Australia, bushtucker?


Oct 27, 2004
Wow, that list was what I looked for, thank you a lot Mike :You_Rock_
I allready found a lot about bushtucker on the net, even som kind of magazine.

Water should also be a big problem so i hope I will find something in the books you rekommended. (Of course i know a bit, like Ray stuff, but I think it could be more advanced...)

Thanks for that tip BOD, Abbe was so kind to send it to me, so I allready have this. Not so much new accept of course the information about the food!

Yes, I dive :)
I took the name frogfish 10 years ago when I opened my first mailadress. I made my divemaster on the Lombok-island in Indonesia at that time...there was a divespot with this odd litle creature.

Once again, thanks for your help!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
spamel said:
I've just spoken to an aussie officer here on an exchange programme. He did officer training with Les Hiddens' son, who apparently crashed a Black Hawk helicopter!! He was saying that Les somehow bent the Aussie SAS' nose out of shape a bit, but he doesn't know quite what he did. Les isn't to be found on Aussie telly that much these days, apparently. I also asked him about the infamous snack maps, and he didn't have a clue what I was talking about. Are they still used by Aussie troops?

Just returned from Perth and asked about whether he had actually 'bent' their noses. Seems that neither past nor present RSMs and survival instructors have anything bad to say about him and spoke well of him.

Everyone rubs some people the wrong way at times but in general it would seems that he is still seen as a great Australian.


Need to contact Admin...
Aug 7, 2006
you could also try,
Bush Tucker by Tim Low
Bush Medicine by Tim Low
these are two good books,
and do a Google search for books by A B Cribb.
His books were the first real books on Aussie bush tucker.
And they are probably still the best.


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