Article: Bowdrill - Fire by Friction

Hey Woodwalker, excellent tutorial and for a self-taught friction firelighter I'd say pretty spot on with your technique and learnings. I shall definitely be recommending this tutorial as it has just the right amount of images and text to get someone going.It just goes to show that with some guidance (in this case some reading matter & the BcUK forum) and a good, steady approach to 'learning from experience' you can easily gain a new skill!I would agree on your comment about tinder bundle sizes. We only use larger tinder bundles when teaching this to beginners as it reduces the chance of singed digits!The type of tinder added to the tinder bundle definitely depends on what's available I also use birch bark or rosebay willow herb (fire weed).Excellent tip about taking a break and I would also add that, as with all activities that require concentration and patience, it is important to keep your energy levels up by having a quick snack before you start. If practicing then do so at a time when you are motivated and energised!


Full Member
Jun 29, 2012
I always made my 'hearth' just at the edge of the board. This worked only a few times in the past. thanks for pointing me out that the heart has to be made more away from the edge! going to try it that way in a few days. great tips and great tutorial!


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