Anyone remember the ''Dartmoor Survival Knife'' ?

Forest fella

Full Member
Jul 2, 2008
I was going through my Knife File's / Details last night and I spotted this Blade which I purchased yr's ago and then Sold New accouple of yr's later, But I forgot that I ever owed it.


Jun 26, 2013
North Dorset
I own 4!

I bought as a preorder a numbered blade when they first came out. Then Wilkinson Sword went bust!

Years later I realised how valuable it was I bought a complete knife that needed grinding from Sterling Supplies and have carried that for years too on excursions all over the world.

I found another factory knife in a sale a few years ago in a sale and as I have 3 kids to leave them to bought that. I think I also bought one at Bushmoot because by that time I wanted to own them all!

Funnily enough I joined this forum because there was one advertised on here.

They are the most fantastic tool for shelter and blind building. They are hefty and dependable as a blade with an interesting history.

Someone on a course once described it as “deeply unfashionable” while showing how to use a little scandi to cut poles. Out came the Dartmoor, swosh, pole, swoosh, pole, swoosh, pole. I can do everything with it you might do with a scandi but when I need stuff done with minimum effort it’s there. Splitting wood it just excels at too. No need to be ginger, you just could not break it.

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Forest fella

Full Member
Jul 2, 2008
Soz, TeeDee I was beaten to it.
And speaking of Parang's, I've Often thought that the Fox Jungle / Bushcraft Parang Bears alot of similarity's to the Dartmoor Knife.
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