Ansel Adams Landsapes ...

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
There seems to be a large number of members into landscape photography so I thought I'd put this up - Ansel Adams (yet again) at the National Maritime Museum -

I've been to each exhibition of his over here since I was first introduced to his work back in the 80s - love his work.

*** sorry, this should be in Photography !
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But if Ansel had access to modern equipment and techniques he'd leave me standing.

When I had a darkroom I read all his books and learned a few things but his depth of knowledge was enormous.

I had to re-learn almost everything when I went digital but that core of know how is still there and I'm only just getting back to where I felt I was with film all those years ago.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 21, 2012
Eryri (Snowdonia)
A great photographer ! Especially considering what he produced was so long ago. I have a couple of his photo's on my walls.
Half Dome, Orchard Winter Yosemite National Park C1930.
Canyon de Chelly, National Monument Arizona 1942.
Thanks for the heads up, but unlikely to attend this year.

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
It's really different isn't it, Wayland, the old B&W and the old DeVere 5x4 which I still have but haven't used for years, from digital. Can't afford a really good digital camera and (so far) can't bear to sell the Leica and the rest of it to buy one - funny how one gets attached to things. I learned AA's ways with Gene Nocon and still have his timer. Keep telling myself I'll bring it all out again as I love real B&W and the old papers. But playing with digital is very good fun; I was a multiple image person and, of course, it's much easier (in some ways) with digital. AA was an amazing person in so many ways as well as photography.


There are a few digital cameras that you could still use your Leica lenses on but I know what you mean about hanging on to the gear.

I've still got my old Broni and all my 5x4 gear sitting under my desk.

There are two enlargers bolted to the wall over the top of my monitors and another up in the attic.

They are effectively worthless these days but my office still smells slightly of hypo and it's just changed from a darkroom to a computer suite.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
My eos system lives in a box in the loft.....along with slide copiers, filters, french flags, slave flashes etc etc - and I use a compact dig from Tesco!
I am hoping to get an upgrade to a bridge camera for xmas... my hints have been quite broad!

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Chuckle, yes indeed. F64 and very long exposures + donkeys arrying 10x8 glass plates up mountains. When interviewed and asked if he ever "bracketed" and how many shots he would take of a subject he said, 'Only 2, in case I break a plate'. Hmmm ... yes ... getting it perzackly right every darn time!

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Yay :) the wonderful scent of cat's pee (ooops I mean stop bath!) that so clings to your hair and your clothes! Only fellow addicts needed apply as boyfriends LOL.

Part of the love of the Leica is that when you click the shutter it does it "now", not the damned hesitation of the digital camera - use on film-mode if you really want the shot of the bird landing!

Almost feel like mugging you fro the Broni ... sigh :). I did get rid of the Blad but that was long ago ...


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Whitehaven Cumbria
As has been said AA was a great man and photographer. He took a lot mor more colour shots than people think but that was commercial work for Kodak and National geographic etc mostly his passsion was B&W. Many people have the opinion that photoshop is bad but AA would be using it now and pushing it to its limits IMO he may still be using a 10X8 and scanning the negatives and slides etc to get what he wanted. I heard an interview with him as digital was starting and he said something about it opening new opportinities.

Certainly one of my first inspirations.

I read all his books and learned a few things but his depth of knowledge was enormous..
The same for me gary


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