An early autumn?


Full Member
Jul 29, 2007
Well the year has flown by,its seems just days ago that the hedge rows were bursting into life here in rural Wiltshire,the birds were nesting and the hares boxing,but just now there is a hint of autumn in the air,the evenings are drawing in astonishingly quick and the evening mooches are full of autumnal smells,cider apples and woodsmoke,and all around you can hear the calls of the cock pheasants stamping out their new found territory.
Today i decided to walk back from church,tis a 4 mile jaunt but it was a pleasant morn with the temperatures a tad cooler than of late,sundays are quiet around the lanes here which is just how i like it ! as i took the back lane from Bourton i passed some traditional gypsy travellers,their world packed onto their horse drawn trailer and being led by tether they both walked beside the horse,i stopped for a natter ,it became immediately apparent that they were irish tinkers,the man was little more than a boy i think,he took a pride in his appearance sporting an ill-fitting bowler hat, waist coat and red neckerchief,his travelling wife was young probably mid teens,she could have been transported from 200 years ago ,with her long flowing auburn hair and bright blue eyes she wore a well patched pair of dungarees and was bare foot,i doubt she wore shoes all summer long.judging from her ripening belly i guess she will be nursing a newborn by early winter.
I asked them what kind of shelter they use and the lad told me they make a bender when camped and covered in a heavy oiled tarp,it keeps all but the coldest of nights,then his wife will light the bot bellied stove that was her grandmothers inside the bender and sit the kettle on that,but for now they enjoy the open fire outside with the moon and the stars with the sound of the crackling fire and the hiss of the kettle hung above the fire on the kettle iron.
Besides the boys side was his constant companion,a bedlington cross lurcher, a straggly coat with bright eyes and fit as hell,of course it was a real game getter and i presumed caught most of their dinners,of course in true travelling tradition when i made comment the lad said the dog couldn't catch a cold,you see a real dog man never brags about his dog.
After a few pleasantries we went our separate ways ,me onwards home and them on towards probably Cornwall to make most of the warmer winters.I asked if i could take a picture but they weren't keen on the idea,i got the impression that there's two concerned families back in Ireland wondering where their kids are.
After another mile or so i passed a local pub,no stopping for an ale i kept walking,it was a hardship believe me! the windows were ajar and i could hear the laughter and chatting not to mention the smells of roast dinners and ale.
The hedgerows are full of ripening fruits nuts and berries,i paused now and again for a chance to sample some,the blackberries a favourite of mine since a boy.In folk lore its said that a bumper show of hedgerow foods means a harsh winter,still i have made most of my preparations for the winter,jams and chutneys bottled,wine bubbling away on the window sill and a yard full of wood most cut and split.
I hope some time this week to find some time for a spot of fishing on a local lake rumour has it its been stocked with trout.........

some pictures from my walk:





thanks for looking.


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
It does seem that the smell of Autumn is being carried on the wind of late. If it goes anything like last year though, we might get a late Summer and the weather might just get a little warmer and hotter until mid October.


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