Hello all 
I'm excited to see the innards of this forum, which has come up often in my google searches of late! I have joined because I have an urgent need to know many bushcrafty things. A new stage in my work (research) requires camping from a van (transit-like, not proper camper) for days at a time, and I'd like to do so in comfort. I 'camp' within my van, no more drying tents hurrah, but space is tight and its nicer to be out, so I cook and sit outside where possible, preferably with a fire. I also go wandering and photographing, as well as working, from this base. My experience is limited (it takes a shameful number of matches to light a kelly kettle in a breeze) but I hope to become even basically competent over the next few months, with the help of the experience and expertise here. Hoping also there will be some wimmen who can help with clothing advice, since the majority of relevant reviews are for mens garments.

I'm excited to see the innards of this forum, which has come up often in my google searches of late! I have joined because I have an urgent need to know many bushcrafty things. A new stage in my work (research) requires camping from a van (transit-like, not proper camper) for days at a time, and I'd like to do so in comfort. I 'camp' within my van, no more drying tents hurrah, but space is tight and its nicer to be out, so I cook and sit outside where possible, preferably with a fire. I also go wandering and photographing, as well as working, from this base. My experience is limited (it takes a shameful number of matches to light a kelly kettle in a breeze) but I hope to become even basically competent over the next few months, with the help of the experience and expertise here. Hoping also there will be some wimmen who can help with clothing advice, since the majority of relevant reviews are for mens garments.