Aborted trip and kaput knee.

The Cumbrian

Full Member
Nov 10, 2007
The Rainy Side of the Lakes.

If you start placing bolts anywhere in Britain apart from on established sports climbing crags you'll cause uproar. If you place a bolt on gritstone you'll probably be hunted down and lynched by the local gritstone mafiosa.
In your photo above, there's no heed to drill the rock anyway. You should be able to hang your hammock using slings, from the chockstone on the right, and to the thread on the left where the top boulder touches the bottom one.
If you have a look in a climbing book that explains how to use leader placed protection you'll get lots of ideas on how to hang your hammock without drilling the rock. Some of the older books might actually be of more use, since they often mention the original technique of jamming pebbles and stones in cracks to create a manmade chockstone.

Cheers, Michael.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
big ouch on the knee dude, i suffer from cartilage issues in my left knee, to the point that i can't use stairs properly without pain, which is fun coming down hills etc i'll tell you. however do get your knee looked at, its not good to risk having permanent damage/pain with it!
good to see you got back safe in that there blizard tho!


Sep 16, 2008
east yorkshire
Hope your knee mends well mate. Looks like that weather socked in real quick.
Good improvisation for that knee brace too, it looks like it would have given some reasonable support.

Have a great Christmas mate with the family and a healthy and peaceful new Year.

All the best.



Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
gowersponger, my brother caught this by snorkeling down,


and a couple of his mates caught some pollack,when we go again in the summer rod's will defo be on our kit list.

Melonfish i know what your saying about the doctors( i should go) but ive found,as i have other joint problems, namely my left elbow,left knee,and my back, that Doc's are pretty much unable to do anything except offer anti inflammitory's or send you for a x ray which if it does show up anything? next could be a op, think for now i will see how it goes resting and strapping, but if it stops me doing things in the coming year then i have no choice.

Cheer's Andy all the best to you and your family.


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England

If you start placing bolts anywhere in Britain apart from on established sports climbing crags you'll cause uproar. If you place a bolt on gritstone you'll probably be hunted down and lynched by the local gritstone mafiosa.

Well I know I could just sit tight and not respond and just carry on quietly, but NO! I'm sick of the "mind police" I'm talking of x2 1/4" holes not this :- http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nationalstonecentre.org.uk/images/National-Park.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.nationalstonecentre.org.uk/euas/appendices/sheetGB1.htm&usg=__4EEMwH4jd2WT0sqN3HFTeNul6Uk=&h=333&w=397&sz=28&hl=en&start=43&tbnid=xUpGT7tkAgg7aM:&tbnh=104&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dquarries%2Bin%2Bnational%2Bparks%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D21%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26start%3D42%26newwindow%3D1 in a National Park !
Who gives the "gritstone mafiosa" the right to say this area is OK because we play here, but not over there. Just to keep this light I've a laminated badge with my photo on it and underneath AUTHORIZED just incase I ever get stopped in a "No Unauthorized Persons" area. It never says on the sign authorized by who. I'll say my Teddy authorized me.
Well with all these new smilies I can't see an open can of worms one, so this one might be near :pokenest:
x2 1/4" holes ! cheers all Danny

The Cumbrian

Full Member
Nov 10, 2007
The Rainy Side of the Lakes.
I was only saying....

This isn't a ruling handed down by some faceless bureaucrat in London, it's a concensus reached after many years of debate by people who actually use the limited natural resources in this country. There is no need to place bolts for a hammock when it is possible in most cases to secure the hammock using non permanent solutions. If it isn't possible to hang the hammock in the place that you want, try around the corner.

Cheers, Michael.


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