A Walk in the woods

Justin Time

Aug 19, 2003
South Wales
I've been exploring new habitat recently on the sand dunes etc at Merthyr Mawr which is great for tracking and for different types of plants. However it's a bit harsh in this heat and my old dog doesn't do too well in it. So today sent a few hours in the woods near my house which is my usual playground.

Very heavy leaf cover, lots of saplings and shrubs meant that the paths and my sit spot were suffused in a wonderful cool green light, had to take the sunglassess off to really appreciate it. What a pleasure my sit spot was since a family group of wrens were making their presence felt, lots of yougsters flitting about and peeping loudly. Seemed to be a good number of young blackbirds too and the Song Thrush had obviously been busy feeding since his anvil was covered in snail shells. Squirrels were very noisy moving about the tree-tops, maybe youngsters.. and a young Great Spotted Woodpecker also seemed a bit clumsy on the branches.

Best discovery of the day was that, at last, my dog seemed to appreciate me wanting to sit quietly. Usually he would be crashing about, huffing and puffing, then resort to barking at me to get moving. Maybe he's learning, or, more likely he's just finding it too hot...

Worst discovery... the patch of currants I've been watching ripen have all gone, so either there's someone else who follows the badger paths in the middle of the woods or the local wildlife have been watching even more closely than me.

For the rest of today my aim is to sit out in the sun and try and make some cordage from the Lime which I had retted down earlier in the year and then split and left to dry. Still stinks even after drying for a month. Drink of the day will be home-made elder-flower cordial, I've got a lot to get though. :)

What did you get up to today?


Full Member
Sundays is always a bit of an admin day for me, so the washing got done :rolleyes:, but once it had dried I got to practice a bit of fire by friction (both bow drill and hand drill). Took the ember to flame with the bowdrill :) , but only got smoke with the hand drill (oh and some matching blisters ;) ).

I can feel I get that little bit closer each time I try with hand drill, so I will keep on trying. Other than that I am finishing a set of Keltoi moccassins that I have been working on and doing the final bits on the latest scandi that I have put together.

All in all a lot of time spent in the garden or the garage with trips through here to see what is happeneing online everynow and again.

Now I am off to get the barbie started for tonights food :D


Jul 15, 2005
Penzance, Cornwall
I've been out on my bike searching for woodland. The first patch of woodland on my map had turned into fields full of horses, but the second patch was better - mix of pine trees in the south turning abruptly into broadleaved woodland in the north and only 40 mins cycle ride from home :D Next, I've got to find out who owns it so I can ask permission to go in without getting mistaken for a pheasant and shot at. Took the risk adn wandered in anyway today. It was lovely sitting in the dappled light reading about GK Chesterton and taking occasional photographs of interesting dragonflies.
I envy you your elderflower cordial - mine has all been drunk except the last bit, which went delightfully fizzy. The rest of the Elderflowers are over here in Coventry. The next glut of things to gather will be Hazelnuts and Crab apples in the Autumn, as well as Shaggy ink cap mushrooms if it's a good year.
Next I'm going to finish my spoon. I'm trying to get a really smooth finish by pouring on boiling water and resanding when dry a few times before adding walnut oil.

arctic hobo

Oct 7, 2004
Devon *sigh*
I'm at this very moment sitting on a hammock up in the woods on the cliffs - writing this on my super-flash (blagged :D ) PDA and sending it via something complicated to the computer in our flat. I've got a bottle of elderflower wine and my camera... I'm relaxing, watching the wildlife go by and getting some more of my book down... bliss :cool:


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Today was our eldests fifth birthday party, so that was fun!!

When I got back, I decided it was time to sort out my Frost whittling knife. I noticed rust coming from under the ferrule, and I don't really like the handle at all, so I took it apart, ground the edges good and proper on my stones, de-rusted it and I'm going to mod the knife with a brass section front and rear of the handle. This will be my first proper knife job, so I'm looking forward to it. I'm still not sure if I should do some file work on the spine so I can show off on BB!!


khimbar said:
Climbed Pen Y Fan and walked all round the ridge with a 65 litre rucksack on after a night camping in the Beacons with a friend. :)

Out of interest, where abouts did you camp? I could well imagine Pen-y-Fan, Corn-Ddu & Cribyn today, the views would have been stunning. My favourite camping spot happens to be in a field just below Pen-y-Fan in Cwm Llwch, a part wooded field (classed as wild country camping ground) I've spent a lot of time there and never get bored.

Did you walk up the back way (past Llyn Cwm Llwch)? I've done it with a big pack and that last ascent up to the summit is hard work.

Wonderful Country though :) :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.