A storm-proof lighter which can weld?


Sep 5, 2008
Sorry Jim but mine only arrived this morning.

Went from excitement to totally peed of in rapid time.

From previous experience with a similar company ,I doubt they will even answer my emails.
Time will tell



Full Member
Sep 4, 2007
York, North Yorkshire
Picked up a Turboflame yesterday after having no end of trouble with my SIlva Helios lighter.
Pros: Nice lighter, burns well, in DPM, easy to use.
Cons: Crappy thin plastic cover, refuses to light on low flame setting, no fuel window.

Apart from that a hell of alot better than the rubbish from Deal Xtreme (i've bought numerous lighters from them over 2 years) and on par with my zippo.


Dec 3, 2008
Bruxelles, Belgium
The 3 lighters I ordered from Deal Xtreme have arrived. One lights without any assistance and stays alight for some seconds, the other two need another lighter in order to light them. A complete waste of time and money.


Sep 5, 2008
Put the complaint in Harry.
I have now had a reply to mine saying that they wanted the SKU (it the list number of the item) and they will investigate.
I have now supplied this but I am not holding my breath.

Good Luck



Full Member
Sep 4, 2007
York, North Yorkshire
Well the first Turboflame i bought on Monday was knackered by Wednesday so i took it back and got another one. This one has lasted 3 days. Have noticed that they don't like lighting on low flame and can be temperamental when cold.


Apr 16, 2009
Put the complaint in Harry.
I have now had a reply to mine saying that they wanted the SKU (it the list number of the item) and they will investigate.
I have now supplied this but I am not holding my breath.

Good Luck


DX will change ANYTHING. As long as you give the SKU number, and in some cases a photo, they will replace or change it no problem. I got 2 CR123 batteries that were a little too long for one of my torches and they sent a different set without the need for me to return the others.

Always read the product reviews, and not just the ones on display, there are usually loads more. I use DX for allsorts, their torch parts are excellent, just be prepared to wait a while for delivery and responses to complaints.

Also, if you want something quickly, check it's in stock. If not, you may wait 2-3 weeks 'til it is.

The lighter to go for is this one. Good reviews, still cheap. Mine's been used everyday for over 6 months. Before I got this I had a Silva Helios one that cost £15 and was rubbish, didn't light on one click ever.



Sep 5, 2008
I see little point in reviews on these sites unless you have more faith in the better side of human nature than I do.
Lets face it they are not going to leave a bad review on there are they?

Anyway I ordered one of these

and two of these

Reviews are ok on both.
& Day shop is the same kind of operation so I wouldnt expect anything better,however as with DX they are ok for torch stuff and batteries,but that about it.



Sep 5, 2008
I got one of them. Very good value, I thought. I wouldn't say they are well-made, but they are not badly made and seeing as how you get them sent from Hong Kong for £1.79, it's surprisingly OK.

Agreed they are certainly cheap so would indeed be ok if they worked.
If you read my first post none of the three lighters I ordered actually work.
So that is not OK

Hence my verdict from personal experience that they are total crap:rolleyes:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 26, 2004
Essex, Uk
I use the primus one, hmmm as for welding id use an oxy cetelene set or a welding unit not a lighter, they are good in the field for firelighting but if you want to get some welding done go to a welders ;)


Jun 22, 2009
I have two of the Turboflame Turbo Stick lighters.
Ideal for firelighting and the odd reppair job.
The length and large tank makes all the difference. I have soldered a couple of joints when fitting an outside tap but I think welding may be a bit to ambitious.
I have noticed, however, that when hot it does over run for quite a while when shut off.

Asa Samuel

May 6, 2009
St Austell.
Ordered one from dealextreme and it never turned up, I was really looking forward to it as well :(

Opened a dispute with paypal and never heard from them so I made it a claim and waiting for paypal to make a decision now.

Really annoyed as I wanted to try it out, does anywhere else sell them? :(


Full Member
Sep 4, 2007
York, North Yorkshire
Finally got to use my Turboflame in anger 2 weeks ago on exercise. It absolutely chucked it down cats, dogs and elephants. Bashas collapsed, foxholes were flooded. My turboflame was in my smock pocket and got drenched.

Took it out, should water off it and it sparked first time. Hot brew at 2am was a godsend.

Oh i also dropped it in a large puddle of mud and it still sparked first time.

Highly recommended and for the price damn good value for money.
ive got one of these http://www.blacks.co.uk/product/094612.html

its fairly good it has got a plastic side to it behind that metal coil so you can see how much fule you've got left,

it drinks the fule pretty rapidly but I've managed to light thermite with mine back when i was in 6th form
(my idiot m8 let the magnesium ribbon fly away in the wind and the science block was on the 3rd floor so we dident want to make the trek up there again...)

the hair on arm dident grow back for a week :D
the good old days...:lmao:


Jul 23, 2009
Plymouth, Devon
Ok, I have had a turboflame, impressive with it's twin jets, but two months down the line, it broke. Then came a Silva Helios, a birthday gift, it was better than the turboflame, but again it broke. The problems always started when the purging of air was to be performed, but bit by bit the things broke. So, now the only reliabale lighter I have found, is the Zippo, it being so simple and well built, never once a problem with it, and I have'nt stuck to the Zippo spares for, wicks, fuel, flints etc, I have enen burned unleaded in it, it is fine, if a little smokey.

I have just taken delivery of an IMCO Triplex super 6700, another petrol lighter, for a fraction of the Zippo price, but it seems not as well built as the Zippo, but I can get on with it, as it has abilities the zippo does not have, like toolless flint replacement and adjustable wind guard. I am also told the fuel does not evaporate as fast as the zippo, something I will wait and see with, as I am a rollie smoker.

I think that is the difference between the gas lighters, turboflame, helios etc and the petrol, flammable spirit lighters, is the use factor, use one every day, and the limitations become apparent. I have found, the simpler a thing is, the more likely it is to be dependable, so for me, as a heavy user of lighters, in future I am sticking with the simple flammable spirit devices, pressurised gas,butane etc, no thanks, my experience confirms my conclusions.

But, if you are an occaisional user of a lighter, maybe use it once in a while, for a repair or such, then I suppose they do well, but if it were me who needed to repair a puncture in a plastic Canoe, I would just create a fire and then heat whatever to melt and spatula the plastic over the puncture.

Interestingly though, comparing the Zippo with the IMCO, the former being American, the latter being Austrian, the action of the two, the Zippo is a veritable bonfire of a flame, the IMCO so precise and controllable, the two suggestive to me, of the seperate nations ethos, American, big brash and do the job, Austrian, small, technically correct and precise, even the loading of the flints to me, is suggestive of the loading of a bolt action rifle, and can't help but wonder if the initial idea came from this.


Mar 9, 2009
I own a turboflame which was excellent when I first got it. Hasn't been working well lately and only through this thread discovered that I needed to bleed the air out. Now working fine. However the zippo is ultra reliable and can run on unleaded at a push. Bought a zippo handwarmer last winter and been mighty impressed with the quality. Since they both run on lighter fuel think this is the way forward for me.


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