A spoon for Mrs Hog

Nearly 280 hits on this post and not a single comment good or bad so I reckon it was not good enough so I took it down.
Any how I'll put it back.
Its made from mahogany with linseed oil to finish, its only ornamental and was done with my bushcraft and crook knife.
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Cap'n Badger

Jul 18, 2006
Port o' Cardiff
goodjob.....looks liken it could be one o' those 'Snake' spoons we hear o' from the wilds o' the lands o' the lubber. :)
One thing I've gotta get around t' doin' mesel' this yarrr.....tho gotta make me one o' those 'crook' knives first......Why do they calls it a 'crook' knife I wonders.....perchance owned by thieves an' vagabonds?....or just found t' be a remarkable resemblance o' a shepherds 'crooked' staff?


Full Member
Apr 5, 2006
SW Wales
I like that spoon- hope Mrs Hogg does, too. I've never tried a mahogany spoon, though I carved a puppet head from it once. How was it to carve?

Why do they calls it a 'crook' knife I wonders.....perchance owned by thieves an' vagabonds?....or just found t' be a remarkable resemblance o' a shepherds 'crooked' staff?

I think of knives like the one in the pic as "Hook" knives (often referred to as spoon knives) and "crooked" knives as Mocotaugan-like tools, as featured recently in the Edged tools section.


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