A recent observation


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I'm in the process of moving house and last week took a few car loads of boxes to the new place I shall be relocating to. On Friday I loaded the car with all my camping/bushcraft stuff including my leatherworking tools and bag of leather bits. Found I had far more than I thought. Double of doubles even.

So Sunday rolled around and all I wanted to do was make something out of leather and boil water whilst sitting under a tarp and found I couldn't do any of them. My stuff is 10 miles away and I feel bereft!

How sad is that?!

I shouldn't be that surprised really, whenever I lend out a DVD or a book I haven't read in a while I know for a fact that that is the film or book I desperately want to read next. All my paperbacks are now over at the place too but I am sooooo glad I have my Kindle.

Just wondering if anyone else ever gets these sorts of feelings. Parting is such sweet sorry. :lmao:



Mar 1, 2009
northern ireland
every time ! thats why i'm so loathed to sell any kit, it's only SWMBO who gentle advises me to sell stuff ( read aggressive forcing with a rolling pin )


Nov 29, 2010
Dalarna Sweden
You bet I did!
Befor we moved to Sweden permanently I had some gear and books allready here and allthough I did have some similar stuff at home too, I allways ended up wanting the stuff that was 1600km away....
Now I'm here I don't use the "Dutch stuff" anymore or hardly. SOme of it ended up as gear for wife or kids, some as gear for guests. The rest I hope to sell some time soon.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
Have those clips turned up yet? My last batch of parcels sees to have gone missing - if you're moving and they haven't shown up then pm me your new address and I'll send another batch.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Robbi your reply made me chuckle, thanks man.

1600kms away, Ron!! Sheesh makes my 10 miles a doddle. But I'm happy to read I'm not alone in my little OCD about closeness to kit proportionate to it's actual usage.

No Mike the clips still haven't turned up, but having not typed that out I'm betting they will. I'm still at the address you sent them to, at least for the while. Don't worry about sending more on just yet though, but thanks for the offer.

Shambling Shamen, Yup same principle applies to having a clear out of the shed/garage/toolbox. You need the very thing you've kept in a box for decades 4 days after you took it to the tip or sold it at a bootfair.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.