I have now finished my first whip. I really enjoyed making this, and I'll definitely make another one or two. I have been able to get a few cracks out of it, and a few hits on my hands and the back of my arm too...It's a good idea to wear a thick, long sleeves shirt and a leather glove...
There are a few firsts in this: the 8 plait, 1/2 plaited handle, the Turk's head on the end of the handle, the Spanish Ring knot at the top of the handle.
The fall (the thin bit of leather between the 4 plait whip and the cracker) didn't last more than 3 or 4 tries at cracking the whip before it broke. I replaced it with a fall made with 550, de-cored, and doubled up, paracord, as I am out of good strong leather at the moment. I had made the cracker with bow string polyester thread, but it didn't work so well, possibly due to the wax in the thread, so I replaced it with some unwaxed thread and that worked much better.
The leather handle is finishewd with multi-coats of shellac. The whip itseof is heavily dressed with Mink Oil (which is not an oil but afairly thick grease)
Not the most refined of whip, it is nevertheless a very satisfying result which is going to ensure I am going to make some more of them!