A day and night on Dartmoor (pic heavy)


Mar 23, 2010
West Riding, Yorkshire
Spent yesterday and last night on Dartmoor with a mate. No wild camping this time though as we were checking out a family friendly site for this summer. Sunny one day and raining the next, I used everything I took for once so was pleased with my kit selection.

First I took advantage of the short grass and convivial surroundings and had some fun trying different set-ups with tarp.

Bivvy bag in Hammock (for bug proofing). I may need to be able to use it this way occasionally this summer where no trees can be found.

Last one a bit tricky to erect in windy conditions. This one a little more practical.

My poncho would be a floor liner and bivvy etc on top of that.

A bit of extra admin space for the Banshee

Doing the washing up

Feet going numb.

Can you spot the duck?

Can you spot the fool? I'd seen both Uncle Ray and Dr Alice Roberts bathing in the river and decided to give it a go. Watch out for that "Involuntary Gasp Response"! Brrr. Actually I also wanted to know how well my new OMM Vector top would dry.

Now dried off, time for a 6 mile walk to the pub!
Hedgerow Flora.

Pub Grub

Took a short cut to get back as we knew following the river would get us there. A bit swollen and boggy but eminently navigable all the same.

Back home and time for a fire in the Honey Hive.

Omm top (hanging on tent) almost dry but dew forming as temp drops.

Poles to the rescue

The morning after. Rain started about 6am but wasn't too heavy. Post brekkie and pre packing up. The fire scars are not our doing.

A pleasant, easy night out. Thanks for looking.


Mar 23, 2010
West Riding, Yorkshire
Thanks Sam, I was quite content to be on a beaten path for a change. There were a couple of beaten looking men there though it's true.

Cheers Martin. As it turned out the pub was only 2 miles away but we took a circuitous route:eek:.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
East Lancashire
Great pictures, thanks for sharing.

Just a point tho...it's not good form to wash up in a stream. Take the pots away from the watercourse, wash up, and throw the dirty water away, onto the ground. This avoids polluting the watercourse with foodstuffs and soaps.



Mar 23, 2010
West Riding, Yorkshire
Thanks Nathan.

You were absolutely right to Simon. It is an important point and my text was misleading. I should have emphasised the point myself now I think about it.

Thanks Spoony. Seemed like the obvious spot to me. We are all trained in the 'leave no trace' art though and not everyone who goes camping has listened properly to Uncle Ray unfortunately.


Mar 23, 2010
West Riding, Yorkshire
My Banshee 300 has been great in all weathers over 2 years now so my mate got a 2oo. This was it's first outing and it wetted out and leaked. Rain wasn't that heavy and only lasted about 5 hours. Anyone have experience with Vango's wetting out or is it likely to be an anomoly? I advised him to send it back.


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