I used to mutter about not being able to work with wood. I used to think that as a Metal botherer I lacked the different mindset needed for wood.
Generally you can beat a price of metal into submission but wood requires a more collaborative approach in my opinion.
Anyway, a few projects ago I started to change that mindset and now it is just time that stops me picking up a stick and doing a bit of whittling.
A couple of weeks back I decided that a new storytelling project needed a couple more carved figures. The Valkyrie in the front of this picture is the most recent result.
This collection started with the old figure on the right which I found on a boot sale. I gouged out one of his eyes to turn him into a representative of “Odin”.
Next I carved the figure on the left, largely copied from the first figure but given a hammer to represent “Thor”.
Next to him is a representation of “Wayland” which was inspired by a cast figurine I acquired and the Valkyrie is based upon an original bronze figurine found at Harby.
I need a couple more of these for the project so I will post them up in due time.
I think I’m starting to get the hang of this wood bothering lark.