A bit annoyed

chimpy leon

Full Member
Jul 29, 2013
Does anyone else have to put up with these mountain bike tracks being literally cut through their favourite piece of woodland?

Because in Staffordshire there is an epidemic right now and Im a touch p'd off about it.

Normally this bothers me very little, providing there is no litter, but a few years ago I chose a remote, isolated, postage-stamp sized spot surrounded by brambles in which I could get away, practice a few skills and relax, taking great care to leave absolutely no trace when Im done.
I had to re-locate there because my old spot had a bike track cut through the middle of it too.

So I get there this morning on a rare day off to discover that my little gem of a spot had been decimated by biker :censored: idiots. The Birch had been chopped down to form the base of their ramps. Deep pitts dug out underneath the spruce and their roots hacked off at the trunk. And then there is the litter, cans of cider, red bull and wrappers strewn everywhere. Of all the places... and its not even connected to any other of the other bike trails, its as though someone has seen this secluded little spot and thought "I know the best way to wreck that..."

Anyone else experienced this mindless stupidity?
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Full Member
Aug 13, 2007
Have you had a word with the landowner? I doubt they want their trees cut down either.

of course without knowing who's land it is or whether the OP has permision to be there I doubt much advice can be given...


Mar 20, 2012
Brighton, UK
Locally theres a MTB group working with the forestry commission on how to build trails/features which are acceptable. Sadly some of the local kids still like to build where they like and sod everyone else.

Its a bit like the difference between kids camping in the woods (with fags/booze) and bushcrafters. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and find somewhere else.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 25, 2011
North Yorkshire, UK
of course without knowing who's land it is or whether the OP has permision to be there I doubt much advice can be given...
Hence my advice. He can still photograph the damage, and write about it to an MTB mag without getting to that area of discussion. Damage is damage.


Full Member
Aug 12, 2011
You want to try living in Bristol the mayor is MAD building cycle lanes bigger that the roads , a 20 mph speed limit !?%$£ that only affects the car users as the cyclists over take ignore red lights and all this has given confidence to the cyclist resulting in all the routes being used for MTB at Leigh woods !!!!!!!!! , ps i ride but only on designated routes.
I hike in public open space. Mountain bikers have proliferated on the trails and I have noticed several things:

1. I have to be vigilant or risk being run down by a jerk going way too fast
2. The trails get "polished" and lose the natural leaf cover (leaves, pine needles, etc.). It becomes more like walking on a sidewalk.
3. I see fewer animals near the trail. They seem to have moved away from the trail and become more nocturnal.
4. I see more litter on the trail

I am not particularly happy about these developments. I have changed my hiking areas as a result.

- Woodsorrel


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 25, 2011
North Yorkshire, UK
All of those are valid reasons to try to change attitudes, Woodsorrel. One way is via mainstream publications. MTB magazine has a huge readership, they can be influential.


Full Member
Aug 4, 2013
There's been a similar discussion on another forum this week about offroad vehicles trashing footpaths.

It's a difficult one, we all want to use the same wilderness, and there are irresponsible users on all sides. I try to see it from both sides, I like to ride my brompton of road too afterall.

Our best hope is communication, if that means writing to a national MTB mag, or talking to the local MTB groups, so be it. But, in the words of Pink floyd, we have to "keep talking".



A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
There's been a similar discussion on another forum this week about offroad vehicles trashing footpaths.

It's a difficult one, we all want to use the same wilderness, and there are irresponsible users on all sides. I try to see it from both sides, I like to ride my brompton of road too afterall.

Our best hope is communication, if that means writing to a national MTB mag, or talking to the local MTB groups, so be it. But, in the words of Pink floyd, we have to "keep talking".


No, Julia, it's not a difficult one at all in my view. Anything with an engine belongs on the public highway, including the green lanes; on all other rights of way pedestrians must have precedence over horses which in turn have precedence over cycles. That's how it should be and always was in the countryside.

I live in the Lower Wye Valley, an AONB, and the route of the Wye Valley Walk passes my door, so to speak. All of what used to be some of the most beautiful tracks and paths in the UK have been absolutely devastated
by 4X4's and motorbikes over the past four or five years. I have neighbours born and bred here who are now in their eighties and still fit enough to take a walk in the woodlands they grew up in; they are all scared to death
of being put over by all the motorised stuff that roars through but even worse, they are unable to walk on the tracks and paths as they are absolutely trashed, turned into half-pipe tunnels of mud.

You can't go walking at all around here on a weekend morning without having to seriously think about a full scale confrontation with some very aggressive people, and the whole place looks like a moonscape. It can't be right for this to be tolerated, but it is........

Rant NOT over!!!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 25, 2011
North Yorkshire, UK
People need to get a bit back on track here.

Julia and the OP are talking about mountain bikers. Nothing to do with things that has motors in them. I don't think Julia would disagree with you, Macaroon, but you see she is talking about people riding bicycles on bridlepaths, greenways and similar routes.

The OP is talking about people going into forests, digging and cutting trees to make mountainbike trails.

My 'OFFS' comment was in response to someone complaining about cycle paths and people riding bikes in towns.


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