70 th anniversary tommorrow.


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
The small scale model of the Mohne dam that they used for testing is still around as well at the Building Research Establishment in Watford :)

Linky here

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British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
We will not see their like again.

Calmly doing their job, against horrific odds, a job from which 40% did not return.

Real men.


Jan 4, 2010
S. Staffs
I used to know an old chap called Ted who was Barnes Wallis' batman. He told amazing stories of being handed some scribbled instructions and then going off to test a new way to defuse the Luftwaffe's latest offering.


Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Is the film being shown on the telly tomorrow ? if so what time and channel ?

Rev G

BBC2, 7pm, a 1hr prog on 70 yrs on. I can't see that the film itself is on anywhere. Hubby and I will be watching the BBC2 thingy - hope it's good.

The small scale model of the Mohne dam that they used for testing is still around as well at the Building Research Establishment in Watford :)

Linky here

Ta for the Link and pic ... can see Hub by heading for Watford to go look. Barnes-Wallace is a hero in this house :)


Dec 10, 2009
We will not see their like again.

Calmly doing their job, against horrific odds, a job from which 40% did not return.

Real men.

absolutely, it's shameful that they only got a memorial fairly recently due to people criticising the bombing war because of the civilian casualties, 55,000 men died doing what was one of the most dangerous jobs in the whole war and they deserve to be remembered


Full Member
Sep 18, 2008
Scouser living in Salford South UK
Theres an article coming up on the telly soon. Apparantly the instructions/methods for building the bouncing bomb were lost and nobody knows how exactly it was made. Theres going to be a reconstruction were they rebuild the bomb in order to re learn how it was done, should be interesting.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
A few years ago, hubby and Eldest got to see the lanc recreating the test bombing over the Eyebrook ressy near us... they'd bombed down in an old lanny, nearly achieved takeoff speed themselves in their haste to get there and broached the top of the hill, just in time to watch its approach and look down on it as it completed its run, apparently it was magical and verrrry noisy :p One of the cinemas nearby was showing the film on the big screen as a special showing to mark the occasion so we went along to that too, it was great seeing it in proper scale!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I saw the Lancaster bomber circling Hendon RAF museum yesterday, about three pm. The sight of it and the sound of the Merlin engines was truely awesome.

Back in 2009 to mark the 65th anniversary of D-Day I rode up to Arrowmanche which is where the Mulberry harbour was built soon after the Normandy landings. It was a fascinating experience seeing all the vehicles and such scattered about the town. I even met a few veterans amongst the crowd, and got to shake their hands too. Later when the drizzle started to come down I wandered back to the bike and got my waterproofs on and prepared to ride home when all the roads were closed off for the arrival of their exalted highnesses Nicholas Sarkozy and Gordon Brown, with Charles being dragged along for the experience too. Just then the drone of a plane was heard and the Lancaster, Hurricane and Spitfire flew in from over the sea and did a lazy figure 8 over the town before departing. I actually had a lump in my throat at seeing that majestic sight. I was so overcome with seeing it I clean forgot to take photos.

It's a rare thing that a machine built for war and killing has now become something so dignified as a fitting memorial to honour those soldiers and their sacrifice.

Thank you fellas for all you did for us.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.