30 Days In The Northern Manitoba Bush


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 17, 2007
NW Alberta, Canada
I couldn't find where this has been posted before. Anyway, It should be really interesting!
They leave on October 8th.


Bare Wilderness is two average guys who are going to go into the bush for 30 days with nothing but a knife and the clothes on their backs. They are not bringing a lighter, tent, sleeping bag, pots or pans, only a knife. They are going in late September or early October in northern Manitoba where the weather can do anything at that time. They only have a few months to learn the skills they will need to survive.

Over the next few months they will be posting videos of what they have learned, so you can learn with them.

Their goal is to not only to survive for 30 days but also be able to live relatively comfortably. In order to accomplish this they will need to learn a lot of skills they do not have prior to there departure.

This survival feat is going to be a challenge for our Bare Wilderness Woodsmen Team.


Dec 7, 2003
West Sussex
I have just come back from Manitoba. The wilderness was fantastic. Lots of flora and fauna to observe.

The weather was very changeable.

Fire lighting was an interesting challenge using local woods in the snow.


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 17, 2007
NW Alberta, Canada
That sounds very impressive but if they're taking only a knife how are they going to post videos? ;)

This is the knife they're taking. There's gotta be a video camera on it somewhere. :D

Oct 2, 2007
Greetings Yonderer, just FYI I was visiting Brad Adrian last night (he is one of the barewilderness guys) and he came across this picture of the "knife". He had a real good laugh, he is leaving Friday morning. I am just a friend of his (and Sean) but I may be able to answer some questions for anyone who is interested as I am somewhat familiar with thier plans.
Oct 2, 2007
They went to the location (several hundred miles north) with the intent to identify plants, water and food sources, and test the communication system they hoped to use. The satellite upload system was found to be unreliable in that area. The young man who shot and edited the promotional video was so interested in this project that he is now hired to shoot,carry, and edit all the video and pics. He will camp nearby (with full camping gear, food, water, etc.. and be able to hike to a vehicle, drive to the nearest community and edit/ upload the daily video, but will only go every 3 days, hence a 3 day delay in what will be on their website. (The are leaving on the 5th, and videos start on the 8th). He has been given strict rules not to interfere in any way except (obviously in an emergency). Many have asked how they were going to upload the video and the original plan was to do this via satellite with a solar power source for charging batteries etc.. but the people who originally assured them this would work now backed out and said they may not get a proper satellite signal there. The video guy will also act as their way of transmitting communications, and of course be a backup in case of emergency. Another slight change is that Brad and Sean have decided to bring first aid kit. Best Regards to all


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 17, 2007
NW Alberta, Canada
Cool! Thanks for the post, werner. Keep us updated if you can. This has been met with a lot of skepticism so it's nice to hear from someone who actually knows one of the participants. I wish them luck and really look forward to the video!
I assume they're going in with hunting and fishing licenses so they can take advantage of the season?


Jan 13, 2006
Enjoy the trip, stay safe and take some pics for all of us stuck here in our computer rooms! Cheers!
Oct 2, 2007
I assume they're going in with hunting and fishing licenses so they can take advantage of the season?
Exactly right, the main reason they chose October because the wanted to do this legally in hunting/trapping season. BTW, he lke the "knife" so much he downloaded it and put it on his forum asking if anyone minded if this is the knife he could take.LOL
They do have 4 or 5 short "training videos" available now on his site. I saw them yesterday and they are well done. The skepticism part I can understand, people judge you on a few lines on a website or tv or whatever, and there is a lot of b.s. out there. I can tell you they are very genuine in what they want to do. Their feedback from website forums and even personal emails and calls has been wild. Everything from ..how can I help, these are my experiences... to you should die you idiots, and everything in between. I'll drop by now and again to see if anyone has question, but I do not want to break any of the rules of your forum so please let me know if I am doing anything wrong. I've been snooping around this site and sure like it.

Matt Weir

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 22, 2006
Tyldesley, Lancashire.

Just a quick note mate. Tell them to drop the flashing frames - 'New Premium Membership available' and 'Member Votes', it's very annoying ;)

Edit: Oh and wish the guys the best of luck from me :D


On a new journey
Jan 18, 2007
only a knife( 4 camermen .3 suund men and 2 directors. sorry but is is stuff like this, that gives people the wrong idea .you wuo0ld not see ray mears crossing a dessert without right gear
Oct 2, 2007
Day 1 video came out, it was apparant they had a rough start, instead of having a relatively nice sunny fall day, they were greeting by cold rain which turned to snow. They did not get as far into the bush as planned and quicky made a lean- to kind of shelter from pine branches, by this time it got dark as they only got there in the late afternoon, and were unable to get a fire going. I assume it was not a very warm or comfortable night.


Jul 29, 2006
What clothes are they wearing? If they have waterproof jackets and trousers it should be bearable. In the promotional video they just have t-shirts on, if that was the case on day 1, their gonna be pretty miserable.
Oct 2, 2007
They have waterproof jacket and pants. Day 1and 2 videos are now out and they were surrounded by some snow on the ground, and were getting more rain. They did get a fire going but it sure looked like they were having a rough time overall.
Oct 2, 2007
I have now seen the first 5 days of the video diary, to summarize the had a real bad start, clearly the rain/snow/wind made it very difficult to get a fire going and a decent shelter, and spent most of their time on that rather than concentrating on food sources. The day 5 diary showed that they were working on different and better food, and seemed to be a little more upbeat as they had now had some proper sleep, but were getting very hungry. They made a minnow trap, as well as a fish trap and were building a new shelter in a different location.
Oct 2, 2007
Day 13, Brad and Sean made the decision to go home. They announced that they were too tired and weak from lack of food and proper sleep, and wisely thought they should go while they still were able to go without needing help. They want to continue to learn from their own experiences and from others who can teach them more, and want to share this with others who want to learn.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
What a shame. If they intend to do this again, I suggest that they get some real instruction from an old mountain man up there somewhere. It was a brave attempt, and I reckon they lasted longer than a lot of people expected.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.