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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. persistent king

    1st time in a camping pod

    Took the family in a camping pod this weekend at Stanley villa campsite near Blackpool, thought I'd give the glamping a go. we arrived and were greeted by the owner Alex who showed us to our pod and just told us to help our selves to logs , BBQ coals and fire lighters out of the cabin and just...
  2. persistent king

    Tiffin tins

    I've just purchased some tiffin tins and was thinking of perhaps using them as a carrier for my brew kit, put a stove in one and drinks etc in another and fold down cups in another etc, or perhaps use it on camps to carry all my food, does anyone use them and what do people on here use them for ?
  3. persistent king

    Alone in The wilderness

    I don't suppose anyone has a link to Dick Proenneke alone in the wilderness documentary please ? i had a copy of it but can't find it and was wanting to watch it. The clips on YouTube are only a few minuets long. The other link I found you couldn't watch it on iPad. Cheers
  4. persistent king

    Middlewood meet

    Just got back from a overnight meet at middlewood with some old and new friends.i took my 8 year old for his first winter camp under a basha, I'd say he fitted in really well and loved the experience. mine and Louie's set up our Louie having a little rest , and SAMs set up on the right lees...
  5. persistent king

    Polish lavvu and stove

    Hi does anyone use a two man polish lavvu and a small wood burner on here? ive seen a couple of you tube vids on home made stoves from ammo boxes and other methods but was wondering if the two man lavvu would be to small or not to use one. the flue can go out of one of the arm holed on one of...
  6. persistent king

    Venture into new woods

    Today I thought I'd have a venture into some new woodlands I've seen on passing. There was no sights saying it was private or anything so I thought let's go have a look, have some dinner and a brew there. me the lad and the dog went, we parked the car up had a short walk and entered, we wasn't...
  7. persistent king


    Just purchased one of these for my log burner it really makes a difference to the heat source to my room. I've seen them before and didn't...
  8. persistent king

    Chain saw

    Was chatting to my mate tonight (mentalnurse) and mentioned I was thinking about getting a chain saw to cut wood for my log burner as logs are getting more expensive to buy and harder to get hold of. He advised me to get some advice from people who use them like Maddave etc before I jump into it...
  9. persistent king

    i phone pics

    is there ba way of posting pics on here straight from your I phone ?
  10. persistent king

    metal detector

    im thinking of buying a metal detector, but haven't a clue what to buy or were to get one from.Anyone on here does it ?or can anyone give me some advice or point me in the right direction please
  11. persistent king

    G shock watches

    Hi all im after buying a G shock watch but am unsure of wich one to get. can someone point me in the right direction , there are loads to choose from and are all different prices, also what functions are best to get eg compass ect .... Do many on here have them or is there another watch that...
  12. persistent king

    Adventure travel mag

    ive just been cornwall on holl and was in a cafe having some dinner and feeding the kids when there was a magazine rack with all surfing mags etc , anyway the lad came back with a 2008 copy of adventure travel magazine. I instantly got hooked to it and asked the cafe worker could i take it if i...
  13. persistent king

    my new bushcrafting buddy

    well my new bushcrafting buddy (to be in a few years that is) entered the world yesterday. Dougie 7lb 3oz im the happiest man in the world:D:D:D
  14. persistent king

    finaly got my log burner

    Well i finaly got my log burner ive been wanting for a long time . I live in a new house on a new barrat estate, ive tried for years to get my wife to move to the country with land and a real fire etc but had no joy at all, anyway ive talked her into compramising , so i got a cpl of chickens im...
  15. persistent king

    Bushcraft and survival skills magazine

    Wonder if anyone can help i need copies 10,12,19 and 27 to compleat the full uptodate colection of Bushcraft and survival skills magazine. If anyone wants to sell these copies if they dont want them anymore as the Bushcraft and survival skills magazine office dont have these copies at the min...
  16. persistent king

    wanted ray mears bushcraft series 2

    Just wondering if anyone wants to sell rays bushcraft series 2, the one with the canoe journey and four seasons
  17. persistent king

    heads up Ray goodwin signed book

    Heads up guys Ray goodwin canoe book signed by Ray himself only £16.99 ive heared good reviews on this book and for a beginner like me it looks spot on. :canoe:
  18. persistent king

    canoe advice please

    I got a seadoo inflatable canoe last year and me and my son enjoy canoeing that much i thought its time to take the next step and buy a proper one A bloke i know is selling a mad river explorer 17ft canoe that is in good condition. it has wood thwarts seats kneeling thwarts wood plastic...
  19. persistent king

    My first home made meths burner

    Hi guys here is my first attempt at making my own meths burner , its actualy for a comp on the blackberry phone bushcraft group , but anyway here goes pate mmmmm drill some holes in the side nick a bit of insulation from the loft haha nick the wifes tea strainer sshhhh haha ta da not bad...
  20. persistent king

    lightweight stove

    When out i curently use my meths burner or hexi stove but am gonna get a lightweight gas stove to shove in my bag for convenience more than anything. I was just wondering who uses them and which one do you recomend ? i have seen this one...