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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. -Switch-

    'Legal' Bushcraft Knife?

    There's my good reason for having it - a stroll through the woods. Picture it: I have just stumbled out of the woods and am walking the 200 yards back to my car. A copper sees me - red faced and splattered to the knees in mud. I have a OG pack with a '58 water bottle in each mesh pocket...
  2. -Switch-

    Bush Medicine at the Moot

    Im sure there are a few. IIRC Twoflower and I stumbled across a couple on a walk on the last day, although my memory is vague at best. :rolleyes:
  3. -Switch-

    Where you in Maidstone today?

    The elusive cap-wearing hoody-sporting owner of this car certainly was adhering to the principles of ''drive it like ya stole it''. Which added to my surprise upon seeing a foot-long sticker in the back window with the word 'Bushcraft' in bright white lettering. Of course, it could've been...
  4. -Switch-

    It's A Fair Toidy Step...

    You spelled 'apparently' wrong....
  5. -Switch-

    'Legal' Bushcraft Knife?

    Yup. And they don't even have to tell us either. But they haven't, so no worries. Unless I'm horribly mistaken of course. I'm sure we'd know about it though, because British Blades would've gone into meltdown by now if they had. :D
  6. -Switch-

    Where you in Maidstone today?

    Well, were you? I only ask because someone drove past me twice and I noticed in the back window of their car was a sticker saying 'bushcraft', and something else but I couldn't make it out. I was just wondering if it was someone from here advertising their love of all things bushcraft. So...
  7. -Switch-

    It's A Fair Toidy Step...

    About 20 miles if I don't have to run around picking people up :rolleyes: About 40 miles if I do. just to make you feel guilty mate Pm inbound :D
  8. -Switch-

    Moot Projects?

    The sea's quite close ( a walk across the dunes to the sea is always on the agenda) but I'm not sure what type of sea you would need for the kind of fishing you're after. Aren't some type of traps classed as poaching and therefore illegal? Or does that not apply at sea, only in fresh water?
  9. -Switch-

    'Legal' Bushcraft Knife?

    I carry a 2.5'' slip joint 'smokers knife' with me everywhere with a couple of sensible exceptions. For work I carry a 3.25'' locking folder with a rope-cutter blade. This is exactly what I need for my job and no copper would ever question it. It stays on me at all times while at work, as I...
  10. -Switch-

    survival handbook

    I'll second that comment. Alot of books do include a disclaimer of sorts though, saying that a fungi identification course should be taken, or they recommend and list further reading. Actually, I think all books dealing with potentially dangerous fungi and wild plants should include...
  11. -Switch-

    Will they now ban your poodle???

    Probably not too odd, kids and dogs are quite similar. Both have a seeming limitless amount of energy, and no particular direction in which to expend it. Both crave attention and make a terrible fuss if they do not recieve it. They are both unnecessarily loud, produce some bizarre...
  12. -Switch-

    Who's going to the Moot?

    Yep. Got my place booked and got the time off work. Really looking forward to it, as usual :D
  13. -Switch-

    Bush Medicine at the Moot

    Sounds like it'll be interesting and I've only heard good things from last year. Go on then Rod, I'll give it a go :cool: And I promise to go easy on the drink this year :o
  14. -Switch-

    Will they now ban your poodle???

    I like dogs, but get very intimidated by them. I too have had a few disagreeable encounters with dogs and it has made me very wary of them. What winds me up the most is when people let the dog off the lead in a pub or somewhere very public. It jumps up at you, rushing around and barking and...
  15. -Switch-

    The Trees That Made Britain

    This is the first I've heard of this program :rolleyes: I'm not really a tv person, but would've made a point to watch this. Another vote here for info on this series coming to DVD, I think it would be a good one to add to the collection. Welcome back by the way Jodie, I was...
  16. -Switch-

    Moot Projects?

    You may be in luck there, to a certain extent ;) The last 2 'Moots I've been on have had a communal 'hangi' meal on the sunday evening. I'm not sure if Tony was planning something similar again this year but I'm sure he'll let us know.
  17. -Switch-

    Homeopathy and alternative medicine discussion

    Personally I think it's just a dressed-up placebo. The problem with placebo is that it can't be knowingly administered because to inform someone you're giving them a placebo would make the whole idea redundant. And a person can't be administered something without being told what it is...
  18. -Switch-

    Anyone out there?

    Never heard of him. Ok then, I'll bring a few books, camera, notepad etc and we'll go and see what we can find. I'm quite looking forward to it.
  19. -Switch-

    Homeopathy and alternative medicine discussion

    Perhaps my experience was an example of shoddy practising rather than evidence against the medicinal value of homeopathy? I'm still healthily sceptical though. I won't go into my reasons etc at any great length as it'll take ages to reference everything. Suffice to say I'm open to the idea...
  20. -Switch-

    Anyone out there?

    There was bark scratched from living trees aswell, with definate tooth marks in it. Just next to the camp. Ah, I remember now :) There was the recent spoil from digging (I think that's the right term), basically all the freshly dug earth had been spread out in front of the hole which drew...