Will they now ban your poodle???

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I'm all for the banning of dogs.

Just to back up my sweeping statement .. I've been attacked by more than a few and have a fear of them, mainly because the idiots round here do not know how to control them and if it's not a staffy then it's gotta be a damn big dog to make up for the owners lack of inteligence.
Incidentely, why the badly behaved dogs never put on leads?

*rant over*
Im not fond of dogs, they are stupid things that when they are not biting or barking at you, are spreading diesease and fawning on you.

There are few areas a dog is actualy useful, Pigs have sharper noses and taste better.

If the government can raise cash by taxing dogs thats fine by me.

Im told they are company, but Ive met very few dogs that were in any way companionable

people have them because they are fashionable, thats all.
I'll get me coat then :puppy_dog

Me too. :puppy_dog

I love most animals especially dogs, cats and horses. Dogs are lovely animals, they can be a bit boisterous and naughty at times but most people who own them take good care of them and their animals are reasonably well-behaved.

Just because a few scum-bags use them in an improper way shouldn't mean the majority of dogs and their owners are bad. If somebody wants to be evil they'll find a weapon to use (cars, guns, knives, screwdrivers, walking sticks, you name it) until everything is banned.

My dog would put the fear of God into anybody who wanted to mug me though.

Oh and dogs are quite bushcrafty, apparently there's evidence that Mesolithic hunter gather tribes kept them.
I love most animals especially dogs, cats and horses. Dogs are lovely animals,

Don't get me wrong I actually like dogs, it's just that they don't seem to like me and I can't work out why. Even the fluffiest most placid ball of cuteness turns into a drooling, growling set of angry gnashers when I'm around, this is especially true when the owner isn't about.
Which brings me nicely onto the great big soppy dogs that come bounding up to me all teeth and claws with nothing but malice in their eyes ... normally followed 5-10 minutes later by their owner who kindly tells me "oh he wont hurt you, he's just playing" ... To which I can't really reply as I have 5 ton of now placid fluffiness pinning me to the ground/a tree/a wall.

Anyway, back on topic .. don't ban them then, just make it law that they are not allowed off of a lead and if they are reported off a lead then the owners shall be destroyed. Simple solution that should keep my heart rate down a few hundred BPM when I'm out walking.

Now I think that's scary :yikes:

Personally, I like dogs and am not scared of them. Having said that I have seen some dogs with questionable looking blokes and given them a wide birth!

We are coming back to the same points as with knives: it's not the knife or the screwdriver or the hammer or the dog thats the problem, it's the human with the implement and what the said human's intention is. Is there really an answer? I doubt it actually.

To make something into a dangerous weapons, you need 3 things, a tool, whatever the tool is, a person and an intention to do grief. Banning the weapons does not remove the other two things.
Which brings me nicely onto the great big soppy dogs that come bounding up to me all teeth and claws with nothing but malice in their eyes ... normally followed 5-10 minutes later by their owner who kindly tells me "oh he wont hurt you, he's just playing" ... To which I can't really reply as I have 5 ton of now placid fluffiness pinning me to the ground/a tree/a wall.

Oh, does that happen to you too?

Hyenas make great pets, they eat the bones which is handy if you want to commit family annialation.
Me too. :puppy_dog

I love most animals especially dogs, cats and horses. Dogs are lovely animals, they can be a bit boisterous and naughty at times but most people who own them take good care of them and their animals are reasonably well-behaved.

Just because a few scum-bags use them in an improper way shouldn't mean the majority of dogs and their owners are bad. If somebody wants to be evil they'll find a weapon to use (cars, guns, knives, screwdrivers, walking sticks, you name it) until everything is banned.

My dog would put the fear of God into anybody who wanted to mug me though.

Oh and dogs are quite bushcrafty, apparently there's evidence that Mesolithic hunter gather tribes kept them.

A few? You need to take a walk around Bradford, especially Cleckheaton, I think the majority of idiots who own dogs live in that area. And do they stop at one or two ill trained vicious beasts? No, they have a whole mob of them and only come out as pack leader because they beat the animals into submission. I can honestly say I have seen the absolute dregs of humanity in the Bradford area, this is not to reflect badly on folk from here as I have met a few lads from Bradford who are good eggs, but I have seen some of the absolutely worst people there.

I worked my last shift in Bradford today, from now on I should be working in Barnsley and Sheffield. No doubt I'll meet more scum there as well, but tomorrow I have the honour of working in Chesterfield. Are there any scum bags there with vicious, untrained dogs? I'll let you know, but I'm guessing the answer will be yes. :rolleyes:
"if they are reported off a lead then the owners shall be destroyed" Twoflower

Seems a bit harsh.

Here in Brazil they are making us chip our dangerous breeds. I have a pit bull and a pit/lab mix that have to get chipped. Mac
I wonder how the dude with thehyena would get on inthe northpeckham estate :lmao: :lmao:
T'wouldnt surprise me if our so called govt tried to get popular by acting on this. Whats new about using a dog as a frightner any way :rolleyes: :confused:
In any case havenet we been through all this episode before (ie clinging forlornly to the theoeretical belief that somehow a total ban on selected legitimate human activities will magically prevent the so called law less minority causing social problems with said activities?) Like with firearms/knives even booze and cigarettes??
The social scientists still havent woken up to reality, blanket bans dont work, in fact they discriminate against law abiding and legitimate citizens. Just like kenneth william's said-you cant legislate to form peoples morality. Social engineering is crude at best and often has unforeseen and unpredictable results. Its human motivation which is at fault. The concept of right and wrong has been altered and modified to the point where no one really seems to know or care what it is any more. The youth with there trained dog-weapons are only living out that moral relativist worldview to its logical conclusion-if it feels good do it, and f##k everyone else :rolleyes:

Anyway didnt they bring in a dangerous dogs act what good did it do :confused:
I must say I dislike wayward dogs I've had them knock me of my bike, that made me furious, and I also intensely dislike the "oh hes only playing he wont hurt you" let off excuse for bad dog behaviour. Your dog has a go at me, its asaulting me, simple, especially when I did nothing whatever to encourage the dog's attention, regardless of wether you write it off as harmless fun. Mind you on my bike ride to work through a Darlington park several times I passed a bloke as had an EAGLE on his arm, it was just sat there right next to the path. I thought that was even stupider than letting your staffordshire o whatever run amok :eek: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I carry a regulator for a gas meter into any property that has an even slightly dodgy looking dog. Next time you're passing your gas meter, take a look and you'll see a large thing on one side with a corrugated steel pipe running off of it. Imagine the corrugated pipe straightened out, it is semi flexible, and the reg is really just a big lump of steel, rubber and plastic. Imagine it being used like a medieval mace! Imagine the dog never bothering me ever again!
if they are reported off a lead then the owners shall be destroyed.

Now thats something I agree with. Destroying the dog I might have a problem with. Destroying the owner would probably be quite effective as a piece of social engineering.

I bet the re-offending rate would be staggeringly low :D

None of this "flog em till the bones show" liberal rubbish, out with the humane killer, drop the scally on the spot :lmao:

Love it

"if they are reported off a lead then the owners shall be destroyed" Twoflower

Seems a bit harsh.

Would you rather the dog was destroyed? After all, who is at fault, the dog for not knowing better or the owner for not training the dog properly?

England and Wales Law time ... "A dog shall be regarded as dangerously out of control on any occasion on which there are grounds for reasonable apprehension that it will injure any person, whether or not it actually does so."
In the case of Briscoe -v- Shattock QBD 12 October 1998 it was held that a dog could be considered "dangerous" and "not kept under proper control" within the meaning of Section 2 of the Dogs Act 1871, even if the only danger shown was to other dogs, and not to humans. Being dangerous reflected the dog's disposition not his acts.

This applies to any dog, of any breed. The quote from the Act above means that any dog which is a bit lively might commit an offence if not kept under control - this could be your dog too! For example, we understand a farmer was prosecuted and fined under this section of the Act when his aggressive dogs intimidated walkers on a public footpath, even though the dogs were on private land and behind a fence

Thanks to naturenet.net. http://www.naturenet.net/law/dogs.html
"if they are reported off a lead then the owners shall be destroyed" Twoflower

Seems a bit harsh.

Here in Brazil they are making us chip our dangerous breeds. I have a pit bull and a pit/lab mix that have to get chipped. Mac

So how does a chip make the "dangerous breed's" less likely to attack or injure someone? Does it sort of lobotomise them and make them happy:lmao:

PS as far as using a dog as a frightener goes, isnt that what police dogs are for??? Ah but there on the right side of the law arent they :D
I like dogs, but get very intimidated by them.
I too have had a few disagreeable encounters with dogs and it has made me very wary of them.

What winds me up the most is when people let the dog off the lead in a pub or somewhere very public. It jumps up at you, rushing around and barking and the owner does nothing to control it and simply says ''Oh, don't worry. He's very friendly.''

Yeah, im sure he is. My ratsnake's very friendly too - how about I let her loose in the pub and see how you deal with it?
Not very well I'd bet.

And there's less chance of her biting someone.


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