Will they now ban your poodle???

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people have them because they are fashionable, thats all.

Brilliant statement Tengu, pure genius that one...


And I feel very sorry for you if you have never had a dog as a companion - you are missing out.

Personally I don't understand how people can not like dogs (unless it's due to a bad experience).

From my experience, they're the one's that generally don't like kids either. Very odd!
And they're all stupid are they?

Oh dear...


Dogs, Kids or dog owners (or dog owners with kids)?

Believe it or not I used to have a dog, he was soppy as anything, completely chilled out most of the time but could get very excitable around new people. For this reason I never had him off the lead in public and he was just a small mongrel type thing.
From my experience, they're the one's that generally don't like kids either. Very odd!

Probably not too odd, kids and dogs are quite similar.
Both have a seeming limitless amount of energy, and no particular direction in which to expend it.
Both crave attention and make a terrible fuss if they do not recieve it.
They are both unnecessarily loud, produce some bizarre odours and have questionable eating habits.
Kids are a product of their up-bringing, as are dogs.
Kids reflect the personality of their parents, as do dogs with their owners.

I suppose dog owners are like parents - there are very good ones and very bad ones, and the behaviour of the child/dog will vary accordingly.

You tend to find that the people who own the unsociable and violent dogs tend to be the people who produce the unsociable and violent offspring ;)
So how does a chip make the "dangerous breed's" less likely to attack or injure someone? Does it sort of lobotomise them and make them happy:lmao:

PS as far as using a dog as a frightener goes, isnt that what police dogs are for??? Ah but there on the right side of the law arent they :D

What's been happening here is that people have lots of large guard dogs but don't have them properly walled in so they get loose. There are a pair of Rotties in my neighborhood that run around all the time, its more to prosecute lax owners. The problem is that they are making the owners foot the bill for chipping and all sorts of people are now abandoning large guard dogs to the street so it totally backfired. This is Brazil, nothing is supposed to work, its the only attitude that keeps one sane. Mac

You have to raise them right, that's for sure. Mac
I have 3 dogs, only one was ever a problem. He never goes off lead and is always muzzled despite a great improvement in temperament since we adopted him. We do that to keep him safe as much as anyone else. He's a greyhound.

You're all up in arms about the knife laws, pointing out that most people use their knives responsibly and do not think of them as weapons. You all think it is unfair to legislate against everyone because some people use knives as weapons. This is the same thing entirely. Some people being pillocks doesn't mean all dog owners should be legislated against - it has never worked for other things including knife crime so why do you think it'll work for dogs?

Give dogs a break, they didn't ask for this and it's their lives on the line at the end of the day.
Do you keep the other two dogs under "close control" (see above) when there are or could be other people about? If you do then I have no problem with you or your dogs.
Im not fond of dogs, they are stupid things that when they are not biting or barking at you, are spreading diesease and fawning on you.

There are few areas a dog is actualy useful, Pigs have sharper noses and taste better.

If the government can raise cash by taxing dogs thats fine by me.

Im told they are company, but Ive met very few dogs that were in any way companionable

people have them because they are fashionable, thats all.

Nothing fashionable about my namesake, he's scruffy, grey-haired and smells bad (well they say dogs take after their owners)


If I take him where there are going to be people or sheep then he's on a lead because he's only a pup and still has stuff to learn (plus sighthound=hunting instinct) but he's already better company than 90% of the people I meet.


ps. Switch, snake in pub wouldn't bother me in the least, had several pet snakes as a lad, would have a another but they freak the missus.
One of the dogs is 15 years old, toothless and doesn't go out much these days. She's also half blind from cataracts. The other as I said has a good recall and is never allowed to just lump on people. If you let her she'll lick you into submission but that depends on you coming over to her, not the other way round.

Really, it is just like knives. Most people have them or access to them and most of those are decent people who would wish to cause no harm. Some do cause harm through ignorance, some through deliberate action but mostly they are responsible people who happen to use knives. Just as most dog owners are reasonable people who happen to have dogs.

If you want an animal to get mad at, try cats! They roam the streets at all hours, crap in someone elses garden, cause problems for traffic, maim and kill many small birds and other animals and all that gets said is "Oh but that's what cats do!" I don't want your cat's do's in my garden thanks. I don't want to come out of my door to see the mangled corpse of a bird on my lawn when I'm on the way to school with my kids. I don't want my gatepost slowly turned into kindling because the half-dozen cats in the houses around me use it as a scratching post.
I also don't like the fairly regular occurence of trying to guide my kids around the mutilated corpse of a cat that has been run over a few times in the night. Dog owners would be up in fornt of a judge if they let their dogs do half of what cats do with impunity and I have yet to meet a cat owner who actually gives a damn about what their cat does when they boot it out.
Yet another cute dog pic :D


This is Maddie and my boy. Maddie has the best temperament of any dog we've ever had and is softer than butter. Shout at her and the world ends, praise her and the sun comes out, love her and she will return it with every fiber of her being :)
Im not fond of dogs, they are stupid things that when they are not biting or barking at you, are spreading diesease and fawning on you.

There are few areas a dog is actualy useful, Pigs have sharper noses and taste better.

If the government can raise cash by taxing dogs thats fine by me.

Im told they are company, but Ive met very few dogs that were in any way companionable

people have them because they are fashionable, thats all.

Sorry, thats the most stupid thing i have ever read in my life :rolleyes:
I train my dog to act as a guard dog, it will howl loudly and aggressively at anyone coming in the back until someone comes out of the house. Then, it will behave perfectly if I tell it.

Owners who train their dogs to attack are the problem.

"don't ban them then, just make it law that they are not allowed off of a lead and if they are reported off a lead then the owners shall be destroyed." - I will continue to walk my dog off lead. Do you want me murdered?
Oh forgot to say re." If the government can raise cash by taxing dogs that's fine by me. "
You won't raise much cash by taxing dogs Tengu, very few dogs have any money.

There was that Alsatian in the States somewhere that was left millions by it's dotting owner
I have 3 dogs, only one was ever a problem. He never goes off lead and is always muzzled despite a great improvement in temperament since we adopted him. We do that to keep him safe as much as anyone else. He's a greyhound.

You're all up in arms about the knife laws, pointing out that most people use their knives responsibly and do not think of them as weapons. You all think it is unfair to legislate against everyone because some people use knives as weapons. This is the same thing entirely. Some people being pillocks doesn't mean all dog owners should be legislated against - it has never worked for other things including knife crime so why do you think it'll work for dogs?

Give dogs a break, they didn't ask for this and it's their lives on the line at the end of the day.

Good on ya indoorsout someone talking commonsense - can't agree more.

This is typical of people, we have had dogs for hundreds of years, they are great pets
and working animals but because of some bad owners, some people's answer is to tax them or even worse kill them.

No wonder the world is in a mess when people go round killing everything.

And Tengu what you said was completely wrong about dogs and dog owners.

...Really, it is just like knives. Most people have them or access to them and most of those are decent people who would wish to cause no harm. Some do cause harm through ignorance, some through deliberate action but mostly they are responsible people who happen to use knives. Just as most dog owners are reasonable people who happen to have dogs...

I agree whole-heartedly with the general sentiment here and love all dogs (cats too). However at the risk of unintentionally sounding callous, I've never heard of an unattended knife leaping out of its drawer and savaging a small child. Most attacks that are heard about do not involve the owner setting the dog on its victim, so it's not quite the same.

As for the thread title, Poodles should be banned, at least Poodle cropping should be!
No it's not exactly the same, but is legislating against all dog owners any better than legislating against all knife users?

Not at all, IMHO the reasons are the same, emotional and political over-reaction to scenarios where there is already sufficient legislation that fails to stop and will always fail to stop isolated incidents.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.