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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. -Switch-

    Which production Knife?!

    Along similar lines to what Red and Simon have said - don't go thinking that a limited budget means custom knives are out the window. Some makers are ridiculously good value for what you spend, and you can be assured they've invested alot of time and care in it's manufacture. A lot of knife...
  2. -Switch-

    Steer clear of this trader...

    How can you be addicted to ebay? It's a horrible place :yuck: From what i know of ebay you're very lucky not to have had a bad experience.
  3. -Switch-

    guy buy

    ''YOU!!!......I wanna take you to the Guy Buy!!'' Drew, you may have hit on something here mate. I'm thinking like a Blue Peter bring-and-buy sale, with a twist. In todays modern society it'll go down a storm. ;) I'm sorry mate, I'm just messing around. I really...
  4. -Switch-

    Steer clear of this trader...

    There's nothing more irritating than when you get appalling service from a trader or end up out of pocket and then someone that you know well says ''yeah, that happened to me too with that guy. I was gonna say something but...''. :cussing: Forum rants about bad traders are very, very...
  5. -Switch-

    guy buy

    And here we have a perfect demonstration of why it's best to check what you type before posting :p Mods: please don't change the title of this thread, it's the funniest thing I've seen here for a long time. :lmao: ;)
  6. -Switch-

    Yet another

    Looks good. :) I like the look of recurves but on a practical side they're not something I've ever got on too well with. How do you find sharpening it?
  7. -Switch-

    Lost Land of the Jaguar

    Oh right, I really should pay more attention :rolleyes: In that case then yes, they did waste an awful lot of time climbing when they could've been helicoptered in and used the time researching and gathering valuable information. I suppose it doesn't matter too much as they got the result...
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    Hi Barney. Sounds like you had fun as a kid :) I think alot of us got into this in a similar way - building camps; camping out with friends as a kid; an unhealthy fascination with fire :rolleyes: Enjoy the site, and don't be shy about getting stuck in - it sounds like you've got some good...
  9. -Switch-

    How sharp should my axe be?

    If the axe is to be used just for splitting then it really doesn't need to be razor sharp at all because you're not cutting into the wood. You're using the axe as a wedge to drive the fibres of the wood apart. Some would say that a slightly blunt axe is actually better for splitting as it...
  10. -Switch-

    Lost Land of the Jaguar

    I'm fairly sure that's true of all scorpions. I think I remember reading somewhere that it's to do with the calcium present in the exoskeleton. Did they mention the reason in the show? My memory's terrible. :o Good point about the time spent climbing the mountain. I'm not too sure it...
  11. -Switch-

    Lost at moot

    You're a lucky man Rod, for a while I thought it had got mixed up with the rubbish when we left site. I saw your post and spent the next hour or two turning over my flat hoping I still had it. You must've dropped it when you stopped by for a brew on the Sunday. It was found when we...
  12. -Switch-

    Can we have a fire..?!..

    Welcome to Bcuk WolfCub, hope you enjoy it. Your friend was right about this being a good source of info. Whatever you need to know, no matter how tentative the connection to bushcraft, just ask and someone here is bound to have the answer you need. :)
  13. -Switch-

    Photographs from the Bushmoot 2008

    Cooking in a tin can requires constant stirring, that's why it didn't work. A solid burnt lump at the bottom and cold watery mess at the top does not constitute a satisfying meal. We saw two of those lizards in the space of 5 minutes, purely by chance. Afterward I was looking for sign of...
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    Lost Land of the Jaguar

    Has anyone else been watching this on the BBC? It's been fascinating, and kinda bushcrafty too with elements of tracking, identifying animal sign, hammock/tarp camping etc. I missed the last episode yesterday but managed to catch it on iPlayer just now. The tepui (sp?) climb was...
  15. -Switch-

    Photographs from the Bushmoot 2008

    These pics of the Moot are a bit delayed as I only got my internet back the other day. I took a few more than these but some weren't really suitable for the site (too boring, not relevant etc.) Some of them are coming up massive. I've tried re-sizing them several times to 640x480 but some...
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    Duration of the Moot

    And more time to get to know people too. I've been to 3 Bushmoots now and I still didn't recognise 95% of the people there this year :rolleyes:
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    WANTED flint?????

    What's your location? Perhaps someone knows of a place where you can gather it locally.
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    Photography shoot at the Bushmoot.

    Dave, how did you get that effect in your last picture with the clouds 'moving' but everything else in good focus?
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    Lost at moot

    Did it look anything like this?
  20. -Switch-

    Duration of the Moot

    There's nothing to say that only one person has to run a particular workshop. For example if someone taught bowdrill for 2 days running then they could have the rest of the time off or go home or whatever they wanted. Then someone else may like to run a bow drill class for the next 2 days...