"Things; Wonderful things"

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Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Or, otherwise titled...

The Tengu has managed to get the Container Open thread...

(Im sure you all know where the title comes from.)

So far I have found.

2 unused truck batteries
A huge saw (going to keep that)
A quantity of hurricane lanterns (Mostly Chalwyn.)
A rotary clothes line
3 road pins (got for a tripod)
A bottle of 3 in 1 oil
a cast iron tiger door stop
a Chinese kite

Where did all these artefacts come from???

I am not rich...have never been rich.

Moving house sure shows you the amount of clutter you may own.
Hmm, I've got everything except the last two, and my batteries are motorcycle ones.
I have already made the roadpins into a tripod, and my lanterns number a measly six.
All very useful things, I think I'm keeping it all, I just can't seem to part with useful items.
Im contemplating buying a she shed. I'll need bunting, may be able to use up some of my fabric scraps for that, I knew they'd come in useful.... :)
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I am presently decluttering the house. It's scary how much stuff I've got. Because I don't have a shed, it all ends up in one or other of the bedrooms. Still, I'm winning(I think) . Before Xmas I could not enter my spare room, now I can, and even get to the window on the opposite side of the room!!!, but the bed has disappeared under many boxes. It's a slog and a half, slow and steady wins the race.
I need a slave or two to help out. It's exhausting, and I'm gagging to get outside and on with the garden and some bushcraft projects instead.
Found all my kilner jars this afternoon, so now I can get rid of all the other jars I saved for jams etc. The recycling bin is now full to the brim. My back is murdering me, but its so satisfying to see a clear floor, and be able to hoover it. Washed the windows, changed the curtains, put up a new lampshade, Now I just have the bed to clear, but that's for tomorrow. Time for a well earned rest, ginger chai, and a chocolate bar.
Started a 9.30am, now nearly 4.30pm
It's Sunday..
A day of rest.....
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Or, otherwise titled...

The Tengu has managed to get the Container Open thread...

(Im sure you all know where the title comes from.)

So far I have found.

2 unused truck batteries
A huge saw (going to keep that)
A quantity of hurricane lanterns (Mostly Chalwyn.)
A rotary clothes line
3 road pins (got for a tripod)
A bottle of 3 in 1 oil
a cast iron tiger door stop
a Chinese kite

Where did all these artefacts come from???

I am not rich...have never been rich.

Moving house sure shows you the amount of clutter you may own.

Sounds like interior decoration by Quentin Blake!
Ive found some jars too, oddly. and some demijohns.


a Propane lamp
Lots of slot car stuff
A disposable BBQ
A bottle engine coolant
2 Kirbys
A box old rechargeable batteries (will recycle)
A small butchers knife
A bow saw
Going back to my title; Tutankhamen had a lot of clutter too, and not much actual treasure, indeed a lot was looted early on.

This, I fear, is what may have happened in my container.
One of the oddest things I found was a box of elastic cord. I think I once had a project in mind where I needed some, but I've forgotten what it was.
I also found two nice glass light shades, so those have been cleaned and put up in the hall. Much nicer than dusty old fabric shades, and the hall is brighter. That was a treasure.
And I found a set of boules, and a bead weaving loom.
I'm sorting the stuff on the bed today. Lots of cardboard boxes to delve into. Wonder what I'll find today?
Recycling bins are full, and a trip to the charity shop before I get down to it.
Bonfire this evening.
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Cant. Ebay no longer lets me log on as I have no mobile.

(And, as I pointed out to them, I have used them 20 years...)

(Here was me dithering over admitting owning a dress or not...)
Cant. Ebay no longer lets me log on as I have no mobile.

(And, as I pointed out to them, I have used them 20 years...)

(Here was me dithering over admitting owning a dress or not...)
Surely you must know someone who could do it for you? Can you pm me a photo and I'll let you know if it's worthwhile. I used to collect Laura Ashley dresses.
High treasure today!

Finaly found my lightweight down jacket I've been looking for , for about 2 yrs!

Another wool blanket,(only picnic rug size, but still useful)

An angle lamp with daylight bulb. My craft desk is now complete.

Chinese painting brushes and paper, which I've given to an artist friend who nearly fell over when I rocked up with that lot, as she had just been online and popped exactly those items in her basket, but not pressed buy because I arrived before she could finish the purchase.. high joy.
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I have come to the conclusion that whoever packed my container had no idea about getting rid of things whatsoever.

More artefactage;

Several kilo block beeswax
Soda stream gas can (no idea if full or empty)
Chinese abacus
bag of cardboard boxes
YET ANOTHER can motor oil...not much in.
(Now decanted into one can).
Flymo mower
Zed Bed


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.