You have a knife, 1 quart metal canteen and 50 foot of paracord. Sustain life.

Jun 16, 2011
Knife: For this purpose let's say it's a Fallkniven F1. 3.75 inch blade.
Paracord: 550 cord. High performance levels/breaking strain.
Clothes: 1 plain beige T-shirt. 1 pair of plain beige shorts. 1 pair of wool socks. 1 pair of ankle high walking boots. 1 Baseball cap. 1 pair of boxer shorts.

How would you do it? I'm not talking about surviving, when I go into the bush I don't like to survive, I like to live. Naturally there are times where you scrape by, but let's focus on living.

Go into as much detail as possible if you have the time. I think this could be a learning experience for us all.

Some topics you might consider;
Shelter(Also clothing) - What kind?
Water - Gathering/harvesting/what you do with it when you have it?
Fire - How would you make it? How would you prepare a long-term settlement?
Food - How would you go about sourcing your food? What would you do with it then?


Jan 14, 2010
Shelter - I use my house
Water - from the tap
Fire - cooker works quite well
Food - cupboards & fridge, or a chippy down the road

Maybe you should have specified the environment ;)


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
and the's the UK, that matters, yet on a day out shorts and tshirt can be fine for Spring, Summer or Autumn, but not appropriate for night time for most of it.

Beige ? beige ? I refuse point blank to wear beige; ever! :)



Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Off topic sorry.

Really? Thats how I pictured you. :p

Usually it's green, or blue, or purple, or wine red, cinnamon brown, or even black, but not beige :yuck: not ever beige. I'm so not ready to be dressed in washed out sickly pastels.....besides, do you know how much mud and grass stains beige would show ? :yikes:

Jun 16, 2011
Well let's say that the terain is the local open areas around you. This is a self-sustaining situation, not to sit it out until rescue. Just the items you have and the knowledge you have to maintain life. I know it's a fairly loose definition, but hopefully people from different environments can help people see how they would do things differently. It might help if people explained the area around them.

As for season, the season you're in at the moment :)

The Big Lebowski

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 11, 2010
Sunny Wales!
Dont know why, but the above comment about beige made me larf... (possibly the humour, or ale!)

I guess it also depends on your level of experience! With a good knife shelter is pretty straight forwards (if you cant find some naturally). Paracord~ bowdrill in its many variants. Food wise, again it depends on your foraging skills.

Choice of clothing (as listed) in all but fair weather, you would be pretty doomed, even in the UK.

There's several dozen options to get it wrong in the above scenario. Even on our humble shores.



Jun 10, 2006
south wales
By quart, do you mean 2 British pints ?


Or American pints?

Commander Krill, why ask this question, its sort of been done to death a few times in the past? Anyway, in the UK with that equipment in winter you would more than likely die.
Jun 16, 2011
Dont know why, but the above comment about beige made me larf... (possibly the humour, or ale!)

I guess it also depends on your level of experience! With a good knife shelter is pretty straight forwards (if you cant find some naturally). Paracord~ bowdrill in its many variants. Food wise, again it depends on your foraging skills.

Choice of clothing (as listed) in all but fair weather, you would be pretty doomed, even in the UK.

There's several dozen options to get it wrong in the above scenario. Even on our humble shores.


Well I guess the majority of people that are out and about either wear beige or green or camo gear, just figured I'd choose the first one that came to mind and as I have a beige pair of shorts on my bed I went for that lol.

Yes experience determines what you can do and how well you can do it, but that's what I'm trying to highlight. What one person would do, another might not have thought of. And from that they can then start to look into it should they decide to.

Perhaps I structed it completely wrong, but the idea of it is basically to see how people would survive with their current knowledge and the items available in their current environment and weather for a prolonged period of time. We can certainly learn from it I think, and that's the whole idea behind it.
Jun 16, 2011
Or American pints?

Commander Krill, why ask this question, its sort of been done to death a few times in the past? Anyway, in the UK with that equipment in winter you would more than likely die.

2 imperial pints. I didn't know it had been done here in the past, I've only just signed up here and thought I would get some discussion going on it. And it's not winter yet, time to prepare.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
Commander Krill, why ask this question, its sort of been done to death a few times in the past?

Why on earth not? It's not an easy subject to search under and no one's forcing anyone to reply - right? :p Just cos you've got (blimey) over 5000 posts to your name don't assume that everyone is as up to speed as you.

The Big Lebowski

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 11, 2010
Sunny Wales!
My above comment wasn't supposed to be negative CK, just realistic... Its actually an interesting post, honestly.

I'll watch this one, the same as you.

Regards, al.
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Jun 22, 2009
use said knife to find a some people camping hold them to ransom at knifepoint tie them up with paracord nick their gear and then start surviving :D

oh and hope the bloke is roughly wearing thick winter gear in a similar size to me failing that hope his bird is quite fat and then its frock wearing time purely to keep warm of course...

seriously though even with fire we would need more clothes than a tshirt and shorts would freeze to death before we could get around to making something from animal skins etc


Nov 16, 2009
South Wales
Personally id try to build a little lean to, or Aframe in winter, raised bed with bales if a long stay otherwise the floor is good enough for me!
Fire, bow drill i suppose although i have never tried it- yet :)
If more water is needed filter through tshirt and bring to a rolling boil in the canteen
For food either forage about or use the inner strands for fishing line/snares


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Commander Krill, from where I am right now, my local environment, is the rich deciduous woodlands and farmlands of lowland Scotland. Loads of fresh food, clean water (three rivers, a loch and three burns in easy walking distance) and virtually every kind of useful native plant and timber available.
Rik's correct, the only thing I need to survive in comfort here is decent clothing, and even though I can gather, prep and spin and weave nettles, limebast, and the like, it would be impossible to do it in time.
I suppose if one were inclined one could make a bow and arrows and try to shoot one of the deer for it's skin, but again, it wouldn't happen in sufficient time. I've turned deerskin into buckskin, I know how long it takes.
It's the height of Summer, it's pouring and it's about 10degC just now and likely to fall to a couple of degrees colder tonight. Wet and cold is the issue with the kit you have given, so make shelter and a fire and keep close to it.....or just walk home to a hot shower, a good supper and a warm bed :)

The only thing missing from your list is decent clothing, and if I were desperate I'd just go forage from someone's washing line and pay for it later.

Unrealistic scenario.



Full Member
May 17, 2010
Manchester, England
Why on earth not? It's not an easy subject to search under and no one's forcing anyone to reply - right? :p Just cos you've got (blimey) over 5000 posts to your name don't assume that everyone is as up to speed as you.

I was just about to post the same thing lol, if we didnt post things that had already been posted there would be no new threads at all!! and as you say mate nobody HAS to reply if you dont want to get involved dont, but don't neg someone else out for being enthusiastic and wanting to chat



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 2, 2003
Hamilton NZ
Knife: For this purpose let's say it's a Fallkniven F1. 3.75 inch blade.
Paracord: 550 cord. High performance levels/breaking strain.
Clothes: 1 plain beige T-shirt. 1 pair of plain beige shorts. 1 pair of wool socks. 1 pair of ankle high walking boots. 1 Baseball cap. 1 pair of boxer shorts.

Well let's say that the terain is the local open areas around you. 'snip' but hopefully people from different environments can help people see how they would do things differently. It might help if people explained the area around them.

As for season, the season you're in at the moment :)

I'll play...

Ok I'm in NZ North Island the terrain is typical NI Bush It's currently winter. OS temp is max 16 degrees in the day falling to 0-4 degrees at night low down with lapse rate clculations it'll be colder higher up..

With the kit you have listed and specifically the clothing as an individual I'd be dead pretty quickly if the scheme is to live for an indefinate period in the environment.. The wet and cold would put pay to me after a short while I suspect. ( the reality is hunters often find themselves out in this environment with minimal kit but better clothing that you are suggesting and end up in strife).

The most I could hope for is to get a shelter sorted out and get a fire going and hope to sustain the fire to keep me warm. This would limit my work effort to not travelling to far from camp and spending a lot of time (and calories) gathering fire wood and some foraging for food. I don't think I'd have much time to try and fashion better clothing from natural materials. Nor the energy to hunt effectively for larger game such as Pigs...

In short I'd be stuffed pretty quickly....



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Nov 11, 2008
Virginia, USA
( the reality is hunters often find them selves out in this environment with minimal kit but better clothing that you are suggesting and end up in strife).

A so true gem of info there, John! Over here in the states, ill-prepared / equipped hunters account for many SAR situations.

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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.