I broke my knife yesterday. I broke it doing something I knew I shouldn't have been doing. I was batoning a dry and knotty piece of pine when I decided it was a bit too much for the knife. So I while trying to pry the knife loose I was putting a fair amount of lateral pressure on it. Too much in fact. With a sharp 'crack' my gorgeous O1 steel blade was suddenly 3 1/2 inches shorter than it was moments ago. The worst thing about it is that while I was flexing the blade I knew that I shouldn't have been. Somehow I was convinced that it would be fine to do it just this once. Turned out it wasn't fine. Now I find myself without a knife. (More accurately, two not very user-friendly knives). Since nothing is true unless pictures were taken, here's the evidence. For those of you who suffer a heart condition, or a currently pregnant, look away now.
Not sure what to do about it all at the moment

Not sure what to do about it all at the moment