Pathfinder Tracking Review 'Lifting The Veil'

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Nov 6, 2008
Pathfinder Tracking Review

Lifting The Veil

I was recently given the opportunity to attend a Introductory tracking course run by Geoffrey Mc Mullan, Geoffrey operates Pathfinder UK Tracking which currently offers two Tracking Courses , the Introductory Course ( 2/3 day ) 'Lifting The Veil' and a more indepth prolonged Tracking course and Exercise event over 7 days entitled 'The Chase'.
This is a review of the former.

Geoffrey teaches a style of tracking that he defines as I-T-M ( The Integrated Tracking Method ) which is a fusion style between Military Tracking and Energy or style tracking, having served for 22 years with the British Army and attended The International Long Range and Reconnaissance Patrol School in Germany. Having obviously been a Career soldier for a large part of his Life I think it[FONT=@Malgun Gothic]’[/FONT]s fair comment to say Geoffrey has more than ample experience of Military styles of teaching and instruction.
Geoffrey also took it upon himself to be trained by Tom Brown Jr at Tom[FONT=@Malgun Gothic]’[/FONT]s world renowned Tracker School in the United States of America. Tom Browns school from what I understand places a large emphasis upon 'Spirit Tracking' , I am not going to attempt to define Spirit Tracking , however I offer the link to Tom Browns School here;-

Before I start this review , maybe a little bit about me is required ,I offer this insight because this review for me has not be easy to write at all , and I'll come to that later.
I am I would say ( currently ) a non-religious , non-spiritual person , I would ( initially ) say I hold no "faith" in things that i cannot see , taste , smell or measure in some sort of scientific manner , I am a typical student of 'Cause-&-Effect' , I work in an environment of Engineering practices where again technical Observed and measured Cause and Effect is the prime principal of learning and creating a conclusion.
I had previously spoken to Geoffrey and explained my initial concerns about coming on the course and where I was with respect to my understanding of what was going to be taught and my very possible inability to 'take-it-onboard'. Geoffrey offered myself the place on the course with the simple understanding that I was there under no requirement to fully accept everything that was being taught , I would participate in all exercises and take away new experiences and tools for my Psychological Tracking Kit at the end of the week end , the only caveat i think Geoffrey ever asked me to provide him was to keep an open mind.
This was the 1st and lasting impression that Geoffrey made upon me , he is very caring to the individual student and their learning path. Geoffrey also holds an Masters (MSc) in Addiction Psychology & Counselling , this seems to give him a great range of people skills. That all being said , I also found Geoffrey refreshing grounded , as the weekend proceeded the conversation between Instructor and Students ranged from talking about varying 'spiritual energy' matters ( again that word , I will address that later ) to typical squaddie humour and banter. This was to me great , I'm all up for going out on the metaphysical limb and trying new things and opening up , but I also like to look around and see the Tree is still there! The banter and general grounded conversations kept the whole weekend challenging, from a mental aspect but light hearted and enjoyable.
The whole weekend ( Friday 15.00 -Sunday 15.00 ) was conducted as an I-T-M fusion tracking experience , that[FONT=@Malgun Gothic]’[/FONT]s to say that each lesson or instruction period or exercise wasn't presented as either Military or Energy tracking we just got on and did it. And I think that[FONT=@Malgun Gothic]’[/FONT]s what Geoffrey was trying to get over , all the skills or experiences are just tools that we as students were being presented with to experiment and use without thinking what type of tool you should be using, just use what Tools you can to get the Job done. There is no need to separate the distinctions and differences and make a conscious decision to ONLY use one set , if you have access to all the tools , you can then USE all of the tools.
Ok , time for me to attempt to provide a type of definition for that thing I keep skirting around... [FONT=@Malgun Gothic]‘[/FONT]Energy Tracking[FONT=@Malgun Gothic]’[/FONT].... [FONT=@Malgun Gothic]‘[/FONT]Spirit Tracking[FONT=@Malgun Gothic]’[/FONT].... Whatever that or similar terms may mean to you.
The simple truth is that it will be different to every individual and we will all have a different acceptance to it or what we think it means to us. That maybe obvious to you as the reader , it wasn't to me until half way through the course , I was getting to hung up on semantics.
I think Geoffrey could tell that each time he said 'energy' or 'spirit' I was psychologically recoiling inside, and to be entirely fair to Geoff even at the start of the course he stated , don't get hung up on the TERM or WORD , and that exactly what I was doing , getting hung up on those words which Geoff uses 'Spirit ' and 'Energy' , well that all changed when Geoff dropped a word in which for me just 'clicked' , not a complicated word , not scientific , not a touchy-feely word.
Simple word , 5 letters long .



And that to me was assimilable , digestible , recognized. understood. Trusted.
And although I am a cause-and-effect person , I also trust and play my Hunch's.
Gut feeling. Instinct. Call it what you will. Those are the three words I understand and use.
And because I needed a bit of self-validation before writing this review i needed to set up a thread of what 'Hunch' meant to the BCUK reader, hence this Thread from a little while ago.

OK , enough quasi psycho babble but i did say it wasn't an easy review to write.
So the course exercises was taught in a fusion style between Standard Military Teaching and if you want the 'Science' of Tracking and Energy/Spirit/Hunch/Instinct/Gut-Feeling/YOUR WORD HERE ,so various topics covered in no particular order.
Recognition of Animal Tracks
Ground Sign
Top Sign
How Natural Elements affect tracks
How to Use the Tracking Stick
Deception Techniques - Anti Tracking Drills
How to Stalk
Intention Sensing.
How Tracks Are Formed - Types, Transfers
Lost Track Search Drills
Pressure Releases
How we Perceive - Natural Awareness.
Meet The Trees
How to Operate as a Tracking Team
Tracks Traps
Perception and Observation Tests
Energy Exercises

I don't wish to go into too much detail of the more specialized energy exercises that were conducted as i feel that these exercise are particular to Geoffrey[FONT=@Malgun Gothic]’[/FONT]s Course and I feel that it would ruin the experience for future students and would take away something for intrigued individuals. I will say that the more specialized exercises , to me at least , were unique , challenging , enjoyable and require an open mind to participate, if you are prepared to put aside possible reservations and experiment with the possibly unconventional they will add to the enjoyment of the course.
And to reiterate both conventional and unconventional ( for want of two different terms ) tracking styles are both instructed , so the student is not just being instructed a Energy style alone, the standard Military/Conventional tracking style is given equal presentation time and exercises conducted cement these into the students tool kit of tracking.
Of the additional three students that were on the course I have managed to get feedback from two of the students, here[FONT=@Malgun Gothic]’[/FONT]s what Two of them had to say about the course ;-

[FONT=@Malgun Gothic]"[/FONT]Hi TeeDee , Okay, back to the course, I found the course very interesting, as this was the first official tracking course that I attended and the science and logic behind it was a true revelation, ie the ability to estimate the height of a person by their tracks was very interesting. I found that Geoffs method of teaching, logical, easy to understand and his teaching style laid back. The area was basic yet it was perfect for the course at hand, perhaps a less populated or frequented, location may have been a bit better but generally the forest location and surrounds had some interesting tracks and things to offer. i would have liked to have been in a more isolated area with more livestock. As for the spirit tracking exercise, I think that to be a good tracker, it is essential to "become" whatever you are tracking, i.e to think like the animal or human so that if the spoor becomes uncertain and all other "scientific" methods of picking up the track are no effective then this could be a great aid to getting on track with the spoor again. I guess everyone that has never been exposed to this spirit side is sceptical, for me its easier to relate to as I come from the context of Africa where it is part of everyday life, so I can see its relevance. However, even from my own perspective of "logical/scientific thinking " I also had my moments of doubt - what convinced me however of its effectiveness was the tree exercise, which I have thought about often since then and cannot explain, except to say that this is proof of other senses that come into play at moments when we are able to focus the mind in a specific and intense way. I therefore can see that this sense could be of great use in tracking, I can[FONT=@Malgun Gothic]’[/FONT]t say more about this yet as I would like to investigate this by reading some of Tom Browns books to make a fair decision, as everyone seems to talk about him as the foundation of this type of "spirit tracking". I think that all round I learnt a lot and now I have to put in some "dirt time" to practice it! Hope this answered your questions,
cheers Shane[FONT=@Malgun Gothic]"[/FONT]
[FONT=@Malgun Gothic]
[FONT=@Malgun Gothic]"[/FONT]Hi TeeDee, Good the hear from you. Here's the feedback I sent Geoff: "Lifting the Veil delivered everything I wanted and more! A radical paradigm shift from what I thought tracking was all about and also an experience at a deeply personal level. Thank you for your patient instruction and for showing me what's possible." I enjoyed the course.[FONT=@Malgun Gothic] [/FONT] it's my first tracking course so I've got no other reference there. I think Geoff knows his material well. I like that he was teaching an overall feel for what tracking was about rather than getting bogged down in too many specifics. The spirit stuff I'm open to. I work with more subtle energies like chi and medical dowsing at work. I'll need[FONT=@Malgun Gothic] [/FONT] to do a lot more work on the spirit tracking to see if it's something I can develop to a level where I can confidently say it's part of my skill set.[FONT=@Malgun Gothic] [/FONT] But like I said before I'm open to the possibility. Hope this helps.
Kind regards James[FONT=@Malgun Gothic]"

To conclude , I think the course was unique challenging and worthwhile , educational and inspiring, I see what I learnt on the course as additional Tools and not replacement Tools for what I previously knew, it shows to me at least that when you can use Scientific sign and Instinct together , you have a better understanding and empathy towards your target , be that man or beast and should be able to incorporate a different level and angle to your tracking skills.
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Good and well-written review, which I enjoyed to read.

I have another perspective on the "spirit"-tracking.

Sometimes people experience a given set of events so often that it makes sense for the brain to try to develop a structure or pattern for these events.

This pattern or structure may enable the individual to make conclusions about events or phenomenon not yet occurred just by unconsciously observations of past events.

For the individual, which does not posses sufficiently declarative knowledge about the structure of events observed to actually analyze the problem scientifically, such an experience might be perceived as receiving help from some "spirit"-based supernatural entity.

A similar person, but with vast declarative knowledge of the subject would not need these "spirits" for his conclusions, as these would be based on logically analysis of the previous events.

As such, the term "spirit tracking" does - for me - mean that somebody has developed a vast amount of experience in the field of tracking and are actually able to (unconsciously) predict the behavior of the tracked animal.

For a more scientific approach the same conclusions could be reached based upon scientifical knowledge of the tracked animals ethology and the biological nature of the surrounding habitats.

Similarly, when one watches Van Der Post's old documentaries from the Kalahari the natives would often give praise to the spirits for leading them to locations with water. These natives has a vast procedural experience from the area, but practically no declarative knowledge.

An geologist - or similar educated individual - would be able to pin-point the same locations, but based upon analysis of observations of the surrounding geology.

The interesting point is, that whereas a native only have (procedural) knowledge from a specific and localized area, the declarative knowledge and scientific approach of the western educated individual enables him to function in vastly different environments.

//Kim Horsevad
Thanks for this. I find the "spirit" tracking stuff intriguing although I remain to be convinced and I think your HUNCH interpretation is much more to my liking. I have tried to read some of Tom Brown Jnr's stuff and simply cannot get on with it. I think it's all about the fact that we actually take in much more information than we are consciously aware of at every moment of the day. "Centering" and other techniques merely give us the opportunity to assess this extra information.
Photos now added. Apologies for delay , computer issues.













Hope you enjoy , any questions please fire away.

I recently attended a 1-2-1 weekend with Geoffrey to cover some of the syllabus from 'lifting the veil'. I had already attended a course with Ian Maxwell from Shadowhawk (run by wilderness survival skills) and I was intrigued to learn the 'different approaches'. This is also what Geoffrey suggested as I will have already covered much of the 'skill base'.

Just to provide a little more context, I bowhunt annually so tracking as a 'skill' was not new to me. I have read books from the 'spiritual side' and from the military side and also the 'typical' tracks and sign books. Due to tracking being necessary for my pursuits I decided to do courses from both sides.

After both courses and a hundred odd hours of tracking 'dirt time' I am definitely quite confident in finding and following "The trail I want to follow", and attending the courses, without any doubt, has improved my tracking ability FAR more than several years of reading tracking books and 'thinking I knew how to track'.
I would like to qualify this statement by noting that in the past few years I have had good success (100%) in finding the animal and tracking it after the shot, hence why I thought I knew how to track.

I would now like to state that what I was previously doing was following a trail. This is different to tracking!

Anyway, to the point; I am inclined to agree with horsevad’s comment. It would be very easy to watch a ‘tracker’ following a trail and think he is using some ‘spiritual’ force or energy. But this is most likely as stated already. At the end of the day, whatever approach you choose on tracking the proof is in the pudding! Can you follow an animal’s trail, Age the track observe any peculiarities in the sign and get to the quarry? If you can, you’re tracking!

Call it the ‘force’ ‘energy tracking’ the ‘phase method’ or ‘spirit tracking’ whatever you like. It is all tracking.
This course is a very worthwhile investment and (I believe) how ever good you think you are at tracking you will gain so much. Geoff is also a very nice guy and a good instructor.

I was specifically concerned with tracking Deer on my weekend. We found sign, tracked, stalked and located Fallow deer on 5 separate occasions over the 2 days whilst carrying out the exercises. Call it what you like! Learning how to track is fantastic! Get yourself on a course!
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Geoff's tracking courses look absolutely fascinating
must get on one soon as possible
have you had an oppourtunity to use the Tools since you're course?

Hi Sam , I had already done a different Tracking course with a different school some 18 months previous to Geoffs course, so it would be unfair ( i feel ) to say i was using ONLY one set of tools from either school. That may come over a little defensive , but its not , I'm just trying to give credit to both schools for what they have taught me and allowed me to see and think in a different manner.

In answer to your question , Tracking to me has now become an extra sense which is still at novice stage for myself , but i recognize it now and can attempt to grow it , what may start out as an intended 15 minute stroll can quickly escalate to a 3 hour badger/fox/deer tracking wander. Whilst i have always been an avid person watcher while out and about , I now add looking to the manner and style of a persons gait,the way they roll their feet.
I spend a very unhealthy amount of time following random people watching how they place their feet and move....

So , yes i do use the tools as often as possible , Geoffs course was and still is to me something that was new and challenging in terms of the spiritual tracking element that was incorporated, the spirit/energy tracking side of Geoffs course ( as in the other 50% of the course is non-spiritual ,so you get the double-whammy ) is something that seems to be seldom touched on over here in the UK.

Hope that sorts of answers your question? sorry for the tangent , kinda felt it was important.
tangents fine mate answered an unasked question :)
i've done a bit of tracking self taught from a book Geoff recommended to me but think i would benefit from the proper course.
now to sell a kidney to fund the ever growing list of courses i want to do

Haha, I was contemplating the same thing the other day ( course...Not Kidneys! ) if you could have a years worth of various instruction on all the course you desired , what would they be....

Anyway , which book did Geoff suggest to you?
Just wanted to add to this ,in the photos there is a student wearing a tan baseball cap and a light blue duvet jacket , that student is Shane who was over from his native South Africa for a spell and came along on the course.

Anyway Shane has a Bushcraft school in SA , and as i just had a snoop around his website figured you guys may enjoy this link from one of his exercise and adventures.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.