How to live a simple life

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Some folk don't pay taxes.

I quite liked the program, I can't believe he rented that walled garden for £25 a year though. That's so cheap.

Everyone has to pay taxes mate, you HAVE to put a return in.If you don't earn enough to pay tax thats fine, but you still have to put in a return.
If taxes are demanded you will have to pay in coins or notes of the realm, not eggs.
If you cannot pay, they will take your house, chickens, and your eggs.
Imo, true self sufficiency is all but impossible in todays society. I live on the fringes of it..would love to be offgrid too but can`t at the moment, simply because I don`t have the cash to buy the various `eco` tech substitutes to put in place because, yup, I do like having things like hot water, etc.
As a history of crofting shows, most folks who live in the country and strive for self sufficiency find themselves having to spread themselves thin in order to make ends meet, so barter (usually by skills or goods) is a small but still essential part of that life (for example, I`m hoping to barter a sheepskin for a cockerel soon) but...
in modern life, where the powers that be try to pin you down on every aspect of your life, it is easy to give up striving and just play the social game.
For centures, there have been tanners (my livelihood) and when you stop and think of the contribution leather makers and furriers have put into cultures, well....
nowadays you must jump through hoops with Defra and small governmental bodies simply to obtain the license to follow your trade!
That other bastion of self sufficiency, growing your own food, depends too on so many factors....all of it is fine if you`re young, fit and have the time on your hands to begin, often, from scratch (how many downsizers, e.g, are lucky enough to take over a cottage in the country with fully established gardens, livestock et al?) but as you get older, supposedly simple things like breaking virgin ground to establish said gardens are harder each time.
And not everyone has the small village set up of helpful neighbours...many folks live, like me, in such a remote area that it is, effectively, dying out through lack of simple human habitation...reverting to the wild, which might sound idyllic but not if you are a human trying to carve a living here or simply, exist.
I think since the recession hit (or if you`re as old as me, since the seventies) the trend for self sufficiency and simple living has increased to the point where it is nicely packaged in a form that deceives so many people into thinking it would be easy.
The producers of such shows need to visit those of us trying desperately to live in the country, a simple life, with little to no cash, fewer resources each year (can`t remember the last time I was in a supermarket and this area, like so many others, has no dental services at all...) and an isolation which can break many folks not used to it or happy with their own company.
This isn`t a rant, honestly, just, all of the simple life/self sufficiency programmes I see, and books I read, tend to be set in some idyllic English countryside with pleasant helpful neighbours, shops within striking distance, and amenities on tap.
There`s a huge amount of folks that don`t have that, about time, imo, they showed that. :)
Enjoyed it immensely, mainly because unlike every other 'self sufficient grow your own escape to the hebrides in the country' programme it actually explored his emotional and spiritual reasons for what he's doing.

That said, if I found myself sat next to him at dinner he'd be getting a slap before the soup was finished. Annoying condescending self-centred selfish a*se.

Everyone has to pay taxes mate, you HAVE to put a return in.If you don't earn enough to pay tax thats fine, but you still have to put in a return.
If taxes are demanded you will have to pay in coins or notes of the realm, not eggs.
If you cannot pay, they will take your house, chickens, and your eggs.

If you have a house, chickens and eggs to take. There's plent folk out there surviving rather well with none of the above.
He does have some advantages over many people but some of the principles were quite valid, even if they just make a contribution to simplifying ones life, it's not so much the self sufficiency but the fact there are definitely things that nearly everyone can do to simplify their lives, become more self sustaining etc.
We can't all - no matter how much we might like to - go the whole hog and become self sufficient.

But we can ll do a little bit! Grow a few veggies in the garden.

But most importantly, we need to do our little bit to cut down waste. Like walking or cycling more where possible.

When I take my doggie for a walk each morning I cross a busy road to get to the park. Dead easy to cross at 7:30 am and back again at 8:30 because it is jam packed with cars crawling along at slower than walking pace!

It's obscene! They'd actually get there quicker if they walked!

And the other bees in my bonnet are food packaging and flying in fresh fruit and vegetables from overseas. Do we really need fresh raspberries from wherever in mid winter?

The consumer world has just gone crazy IMHO
The central banks control our economies, and they will ensure that it is impossible for us to exist without using money, and ideally being enslaved to it and them.

Did you know that the Rothschild family wealth exceeds 500 trillion dollars, that equates to half the worlds money, and sufficient enough to house clothe and feed everyone.

How vile they are.
I’m afraid I couldn't stomach the guy for more than 5mins. I suspect this says more about me than the guy. He seemed completely smarmy and up himself. Talk about judging a book by the cover – my bad.
The central banks control our economies, and they will ensure that it is impossible for us to exist without using money, and ideally being enslaved to it and them.

Did you know that the Rothschild family wealth exceeds 500 trillion dollars, that equates to half the worlds money, and sufficient enough to house clothe and feed everyone.

How vile they are.

Why are the Rothschilds vile???? I don't support all this 'they've more than me therefore I hate them' crap. If you want everyone to be equal then bugger off to North Korea - oops they're not equal there either............
Free society is something I have been pondering for quite some time, is it possible to roam around Britain with no fixed abode on a sporadic income? I'm a bit if a Thoreauvian at heart and I think this fella is just playing at it while he accumulates huge royalties from his TV shows, but at least he is asking critical questions of consumerism.
That'd possibly help but I do know of a few folk who do it without any state benefits. Voluntary work can go a long way to helping individuals subvert the financial system.
Why are the Rothschilds vile???? I don't support all this 'they've more than me therefore I hate them' crap. If you want everyone to be equal then bugger off to North Korea - oops they're not equal there either............

Do a little research on the Rothschilds Para,and find out how many people they have massacred over the years.

Could you also tell us why one family should have the right to gather half the worlds wealth, when it was done through fraud deception and murder.
Yes, they have this wonderful system in N Korea...Plant trees instead of food crops.

You will notice they are one of the few countries with a population problem.

Also, many people are in the millitary, so they are kept by the state.
just watched this - I think what the guy is trying to achieve is quite nice.
but I can't say I particularly like him.

It is a noble quest but at the end of the day totally impractical - I prefer the idea of changing the world one good deed at a time.
Back to the TV programme under discussion: the fatal flaw in his whole approach is that this is something you can't do alone. Sooner or later you'll wreck your back, catch an illness, or simply get old. At that time you're stuffed and become completely reliant on handouts from others, and you have to have like-minded people around you. Pure self sufficiency is a beautiful thing, but you're not going to have a very pleasant old age...


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