Recommend me an alarm clock

Afternoon All

I am looking for a travel alarm clock to take on a couple of courses this year.

Having worked shifts for eight years my sleep pattern is well and truely up the swannie, and I find I sleep through the teeny electrical bleeping of my watch alarm(and pretty much everything else much to the annoyance of Lisa :slap:).

Usually i use the alarm on my mobile but as the courses are a week long i dont trust the battery to last that long.

Any one got any recommendations?
Cheers in advance


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 6, 2008
South Queensferry
I can sleep through most modern alarms.

I use one of the old clockwork ones with the bells on. It won't endear you to anyone at home, but it'll certainly waken you - and anyone else within a mile.


Dec 15, 2005
It's funny Sam, I have two alarm clocks at home and my mobile and really struggle to get up each morning.
When I'm out in the woods, I'm up at first light (no matter how much whiskey I've drunk the night before) no alarm clock I just seem to wake up.
Best part of the day too when you're out.


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Afternoon All

I am looking for a travel alarm clock to take on a couple of courses this year.

Having worked shifts for eight years my sleep pattern is well and truely up the swannie, and I find I sleep through the teeny electrical bleeping of my watch alarm(and pretty much everything else much to the annoyance of Lisa :slap:).

Usually i use the alarm on my mobile but as the courses are a week long i dont trust the battery to last that long.

Any one got any recommendations?
Cheers in advance

I take it that these courses are outdoors and no where to plug your charger in Sam. If that's the case then for more or less what you'd pay for a travel alarm clock why not just get another battery for your phone?

Also to help with the battery life you can turn the phone off at night and the alarm still goes off (at least it does with mine :rolleyes:)


Apr 12, 2008
Why dont you try one of those "charge monkey" type things, or just any kind of power source, charge it up before you leave and it holds it's charge for AGES then when your phone needs topping up just whack it in, you can even get ones that are solar powered! and I think they're only about £20-£25 so not that bad.
dont know about vibration,you'd need an earthquake to wake Sam up!!:lmao:
Alas its true:surrender:
As for the indian alarm clock method that dont work as i suffer the same problem as Omegarod.
i'm not the chirpiest of people when i wake up and dont want to upset anyone who has the misfortune of waking me.
Locum's looks like the best suggestion so far
Feb 9, 2010
Ever thought me drinking lots of water right befor you im to sleep . The red indians used to do it to get up early for a dawn attack . Bit me usefull info too .


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