The Army Bercary Scheme

Jul 15, 2006
Mostly fresh out of school, except for me and a 30 year old latin bloke.

I see from your public profile that you're 18 years pretty fresh out of school yourself!

Perhaps that's why, in one post, you've managed to insult just about everyone.

The Army / Royal Air Force / Royal Navy / Royal Marines may not be your cup of tea, but they're just the ticket for a great many people and now is probably the best time for many years to be a soldier if that's your choice. Damn good kit, lots of battle experienced NCOs, Warrant Officers and Commissioned Officers to lead you and the chance to do some real, on the ground soldiering.

I take it that the reference to "Coconut Heads" was a reference to hard headed people with not much filling the space inside the shell? If it was any other kind of reference, to another racial group mayhaps, then a rapid apology to all on the forums better be forthcoming!

Where am I coming from? Six years with the RAF from the age of 18 and it was the best thing I could've done at the time. Gave me a secure job, damned good training, a chance to grow up a bit and develop more personally than I ever could if I'd stayed at home.

Would I do it again - Damn right I would!


Apr 10, 2008
i am in the final year of my apprenticeship as an electrician. I dont know what the work is like where you live but here it is very slow, my old employer has just made all of his apprentices redundant and all of my friends are looking for jobs.

plumbers are no longer in as much demand as they were 3 or 4 years ago and with the current situation i find it a very good idea to secure yourself a job for the future.

please remember that not everybody takes to a trade as a first choice, i wanted to join the raf regiment when i left school. My dad talked me into going for a trade as something to fall back on.

If i had been given the oppertunity i would have gone for it. Maybe you should consider it! guaranteed job, plenty of travelling and after you finish your apprenticeship you will get the chance to take your learning further.

Aug 17, 2008
I have worked with the Royal Engineers on many occasions, the last time in Iraq. They must have left the ignorant little chavs behind, because the people I met were all both good soldiers and excellent tradesmen.

Still, it's not for everyone, and I imagine the Army will manage to function perfectly well without 'Disgusted of Sussex'.


Full Member
Jul 18, 2004
Us squaddies don't like being ridiculed!

There are non squaddies that dont like you being ridiculed either. We owe a debt to all those who have and will take the queens shilling. There are not enough people who are willing to serve their country, and if you see me out i will buy you a beer, but dont all come at once cos im skint at the moment!. :You_Rock_



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
So I take it that nobody here has seen the army recruitment chaps looking for new recruits in the local dole office then?

Dunno bout the current army pay but a few years ago I was talking to my squaddie mate about pay and it was pretty poor, civillain tradesmen were on quite a lot better money even when the extras the army had to offer were taken into account.

<Nomex fire resistant undercrackers> For me though the main reason to keep out of it is because I don't want to kill people I don't even dislike just because George Bush* wants to get back at the people who his daddy didn't manage to take out, on trumped up weapons of mass destruction charges.
Especially bearing in mind the fact that Hans Blix (the UN weapons inspector) was saying he didn't think there were any, if it was actually about defence then I would be all for it.<Nomex fire resistant undercrackers>

Cynical, Me?

*With Blair wedged so far up his rusty bullet hole that only his feet were showing.

Can I see a Thread Lock incoming? Looks like it.


May 26, 2006
The simple fact is that the services, particularly the Army, has got more gaps than it can fill.

It will try and improve it's recruiting numbers by targeting the less well off, those on the dole, and also by offering 'sweeteners' such as paying uni/college fees etc. etc. it has done for AGES.

Now, if you want to join the services, maybe to learn a trade or to go in as an officer, then it would seem sensible to get a trade, or a uni education out of it.

The only thing I hope is that those who sign up fully realise what they are getting into....
May 12, 2007
Derby, UK
The simple fact is that the services, particularly the Army, has got more gaps than it can fill.

It will try and improve it's recruiting numbers by targeting the less well off, those on the dole, and also by offering 'sweeteners' such as paying uni/college fees etc. etc. it has done for AGES.

Now, if you want to join the services, maybe to learn a trade or to go in as an officer, then it would seem sensible to get a trade, or a uni education out of it.

The only thing I hope is that those who sign up fully realise what they are getting into....

Serving there country



Aug 25, 2006
these have been around for decades and bloody good they are too, if you sign up then it also obligates them to give you a job at the end of it which in these current circumstances is a good thing as the army life has its faults but theres many wish they could do their time again or still be in.

I tell a lot of kids to join up for three years if only to get their head around real life instead of letting the parents take all the responsibility. you get shouted at for a few months, become fitter than you possibly thought, then spend most of your time doing nothing while waiting for food to magically appear and you get paid for it. so its just like a continuation of teenage life really.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
So I take it that nobody here has seen the army recruitment chaps looking for new recruits in the local dole office then?

Dunno bout the current army pay but a few years ago I was talking to my squaddie mate about pay and it was pretty poor, civillain tradesmen were on quite a lot better money even when the extras the army had to offer were taken into account.

<Nomex fire resistant undercrackers> For me though the main reason to keep out of it is because I don't want to kill people I don't even dislike just because George Bush* wants to get back at the people who his daddy didn't manage to take out, on trumped up weapons of mass destruction charges.
Especially bearing in mind the fact that Hans Blix (the UN weapons inspector) was saying he didn't think there were any, if it was actually about defence then I would be all for it.<Nomex fire resistant undercrackers>

Cynical, Me?

*With Blair wedged so far up his rusty bullet hole that only his feet were showing.

Can I see a Thread Lock incoming? Looks like it.

I don't disagree with many of your points, it's the reason I am now having to work for a living in civvy street. I don't like being lied to, and I'm afraid that we were all lied to in a big way and it came to light too. Then there was the sloping shoulders, blaming others and mysterious deaths! Nah, not playing that game any more.

Good luck to those that are still serving though. Funny episode the other day, as i was driving to work, I drew alongside a military Landrover with a grumpy old SNCO in the passenger seat. He looked at the strategically shaved orang utang driving the white van next to him (me!) with a look of pure disgust. He must have thought "There goes another scruffy civvy!" not knowing I pulled my weight for 14 years! Ahhh, the freedom to have large burners when I wish and not have to shave ever! :D


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