Will they now ban your poodle???

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The remarkable thing was, the owners spent every winter in Portugal, traveling there in a mobile home, when they found a place to camp the owner would lay out a tape around the vehicle and Ronin would guard the edge of that tape in exactly the same manner as he guarded the hedge and wall back home, again never crossing the boundary.


So I'm walking through a campsite in Portugal and I see a big scary looking dog off a lead just wandering around ... How am I supposed to know that the dog will do nothing providing I stay my side of the line???
All well and good having a well behaved dog that will guard well when needed, but it is a tiny bit silly on the owners part to presume that everyone knows the dog is harmless unless you cross the line.

Once again, owners not thinking about how other people will react to their animal.

Isn't that exactly my point about cats?

When was the last reported case of a domestic tabby ripping some ones face off?

Anyway, cat's are evil and from another planet. It's the reason the world goverments cover up UFOs so much, they don't want the general populace to know that all UFOs are full of cats intent on taking over the world.
The term live and let live springs to mind.

Thats nice sentiment by all means, but its actually a bit tiresome having to walk round and check every time (before my little lad can run about safely), that the neibghbour's "cat" hasnt dropped yet another pile of **** on my lawn. Its my garden recreational space not the cat's toilet.


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