I agree whole-heartedly with the general sentiment here and love all dogs (cats too). However at the risk of unintentionally sounding callous, I've never heard of an unattended knife leaping out of its drawer and savaging a small child. Most attacks that are heard about do not involve the owner setting the dog on its victim, so it's not quite the same.
As for the thread title, Poodles should be banned, at least Poodle cropping should be!
Your right, Propercy, I arent very fond of kids.
I think the fairest solution is to say that dog owners are wholly responsible for the actions of their animals - if the animal attacks a person, the attack should be treated with exactly the same severity as if the owner had conducted it. If the animal kills stock, its the same as if the owner has taken a gun and done it. If the animal kills a person its murder or manslaughter.
Im not fond of dogs, they are stupid things that when they are not biting or barking at you, are spreading diesease and fawning on you.
There are few areas a dog is actualy useful, Pigs have sharper noses and taste better.
If the government can raise cash by taxing dogs thats fine by me.
Im told they are company, but Ive met very few dogs that were in any way companionable
people have them because they are fashionable, thats all.
Let me think in what other areas where they are usless,Rescue work,sniffing out buried victims in earthquakes,avalanches,waterborn rescue,locating lost people,security work,tracking,locating explosives,landmines,guiding blind people,helping the disabled,helping the deaf,therapy,some can even detect certain type of disease in the body,sledge dogs,sheep dogs,hunting dogs................yep,pretty usless animal really.
Cant understand at all why they have been a constant companion for man since the stone age??
Know exactly what you mean there,the dogs that really annoy me are these so called "sniffer" dogs at airports.Running all over your luggage,sticking their dumb noses into your rucksack,and when they find a few pounds of explosive and stop you getting blown to pieces they start jumping around and expect a reward for doing their job!.................
Let me think in what other areas where they are usless,Rescue work,sniffing out buried victims in earthquakes,avalanches,waterborn rescue,locating lost people,security work,tracking,locating explosives,landmines,guiding blind people,helping the disabled,helping the deaf,therapy,some can even detect certain type of disease in the body,sledge dogs,sheep dogs,hunting dogs................yep,pretty usless animal really.
Cant understand at all why they have been a constant companion for man since the stone age??
PS as far as using a dog as a frightener goes, isnt that what police dogs are for??? Ah but there on the right side of the law arent they![]()
I have yet to meet a cat owner who actually gives a damn about what their cat does when they boot it out.
Thats because cats don't have owners, cats own humans...
That is the standard answer used by cat owners everywhere but who actually decides to buy the cat? Who pays for the food, vetinary care, etc.?
Im not fond of dogs, they are stupid things that when they are not biting or barking at you, are spreading diesease and fawning on you.