An abundance of spiders

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Jan 16, 2006
Still stuck in Nothingtown...
I was sitting here quite peacefully reading the pages of this site when I felt a tickling on my wrist.
I looked down only to see two long brown legs sticking out from my sleeve and wriggling about like there's no tomorrow.
I'm glad no one was around to witness the rather effeminate way in which I reacted to the situation but it got me thinking...

Has anyone else noticed the unusually large amount of spiders still around this winter?

Usually by this time of year they're all dead or hiding but the mild weather seems to have got them a little confused as to what time of year it is.
My house is full of them, and we're still getting the occasional taganeria gigantica (see link) running across the room in search of a mate.

Anyone else?
Yup...we have the same here. Only one problem, I can't stand them, any of them, and they know it. :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yuck: :yuck:
There are still lots of flys about, so maybe the spiders are making the most of the harvest...I have seen lots about too, esp young ones...
Not many flying beasties but the spiders are cooried down in every corner they can get away with. My hedges looked as though they were draped in lace during the last frosts.

On the subject of flying beasties - I was out in the woods yesterday with the kids and was surprised at the number of midges still about.

Global warming has messed up all the life cycles - so what will happen next?
I am pretty much afraid of spiders, which is ridiculous I know! Before i deployed to Iraq, I spent two or three months trying to get over it by picking up spiders whenever I saw them and putting them outside before the wife killed them with a rolled up newspaper. At first, it was a glass tumbler and a bit of paper, but if I found one small enough, I'd brave it and pick it up with my bare hands. As time went on, I progressed to some quite beefy sized spiders but I then let it go and thought no more of it. I didn't want to be able to wrestle giant tarantulas, just put the odd house spider outside before it freaked the missus out.

Last night I was at my parents, and a big daddy long legs type spider was above their toilet. I showed my youngest girl and blew at it to make it move. I blew a bit too hard and the spider whooshed up into the air. I thought it was going to land on my head, and must say I let out a big girly squeal! It seems my fear of spiders has returned to normal!
On the subject of flying beasties - I was out in the woods yesterday with the kids and was surprised at the number of midges still about.

Global warming has messed up all the life cycles - so what will happen next?

I know what you mean Simon. I was sat chilling on the allotment a couple of days ago and was surprised to see a couple of midge clouds buzzing about.
Stick at it Spamel a flying spider surely is the ultimate test! Maybe your'e just not quite ready for that yet., sounds like youve done well though.

I cant say I've seen any spiders over the winter, a few very drunk flies though. I was actually thinking there were fewer insects this summer but that might be because I've managed to get over my phobias so I don't even notice them now. I quite miss them in the winter now.
The local grass lands are covered in those hammock type webs that look cool in frosts, but i haven't seen any in my house.

Spamel; beetles are my phobia, I have done the same confrontational therapy thing you did, but still if get surprised I scream or if one is in the wrong place. I brought 3 ground beetles back from delemere in july, I made Derek get them out of the rucksack, and the kids shake the kit out in yard, while I stood on chair and shouted flapping my arms. I was fine seeing the odd one in tent but having them in the house is a no no. Spiders don't bother me at all.
I was actually thinking there were fewer insects this summer ...

There were less insects this summer - the wet weather affected them, which in turn meant that bats were abandoning their nursery roosts leaving their young to die.

As a result there will be less bats around next summer so insect populations will be higher - well thats my prediction anyway!

Camel spiders freak everybody out! Plus, pedant hat is going on as they aren't actually arachnids!

LOL! Reaching for my Double Pedant hat, they are Arachnids just not spiders, same Class (Arachnida), different Order. Spiders are Araneae, Camel Spiders are Solifugae. Bet they'd still be nice and nutty deep-fried though. :D
Thats got me thinking, I've always wondered whats inside a spider, other then goo.

Spamel - I am not scared of spiders!! BUT when I was based at Ali al salem the camel spiders gave me the creeps.. would kill them on site.

Back to the thread. Its still warm Iv got shoot coming up in my garden!! we had a couple of hard frosts so most things are now out of sink.
Was up in the attic the other night and heard something buzzing - so I guess if there are flying things there are spiders.


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