The price of fuel

Will the rise in fuel costs make a difference to you getting out into the countryside

  • It will make no difference to me, i'l go no matter what.

    Votes: 49 49.5%
  • I will be forced to limit my visits to the countryside.

    Votes: 10 10.1%
  • I will no longer be able to visit the countryside

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I will seek alternative means of getting to the countryside.

    Votes: 10 10.1%
  • It will not make a lot of difference to me as I live in the countryside, although other trips will b

    Votes: 30 30.3%

  • Total voters


Oct 1, 2007
ribble valley
i went up to scotland recently cost over £100 for fuel think that will have to be a yearly trip,especially if price of fuel goes up more.luckily im near to good bushcraft places and whitewater but unfortunatly no lochs to paddle and camp


Jun 8, 2007
merseyside, england
diesel has just hit £1.05 a litre here, and with 4 kids - 3 with cabin fever and a screaming rugrat, my landy has to be full and ready to go. giving up the fags on NYD, so that will offset the cost - like many people, my car is essential to me, and i'd pay £2 a litre before i got on a bus


Full Member
Nov 12, 2005
The bus is not an option for me, there is no busses direct to where I work, I’d have to catch a bus going in the opposite direction to where I want to go, wait around for 20 minutes and then catch a different bus back (almost passing my house) out to where I work. The busses do not start running until about half an hour after I am meant to start work. (0645)
Were the price to go past £1.30 a litre I’d buy a pushbike, and just use my car to take my kit to work on a Monday and cycle in the rest of the week. As it is, I am paying £1300 a year just in fuel. Getting rid of road fund tax will add another 7p to the £4.78 per gallon that I’m paying, it will not make any difference to the cost of going to work over all, but I’m sure that they will add more than the cost of my road fund tax to the cost of the fuel. They would add an administration fee, and a collection fee, and stick another fee on just to calculate the cost of the collecting all the other fees. I can see if they scrapped road fund duty, them adding another 20p a gallon, we are a year or so away from the £5 per gallon.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 15, 2005
Fuel isnt expensive the governent made it so in the 80s with extortionate tax hikes,an weve been paying for it ever since.America only pay £1 per gallon so why dont we? if they had to pay what we pay im sure they would have something to say about it.

Ah, but the interesting thing about a high fixed level of duty is that it actually hides any volatility in the price of the underlying commodity. So, while the actual price of both oil and refined petroleum has gone through the roof in the last two years, the increase in price at the pump has been much smaller.

If people were used to paying the untaxed price for fuel, they'd be screaming right now about how the price had trebled. People care more about relative price movements rather than absolute price, until the absolute price becomes completely unsustainable.

There are two ways you can go with this - either you try and keep the price down until you have to start rationing, or you let price do the rationing for you.

(Light sweet crude has just broken $98 a barrel as I write this. A year ago everyone was saying that $65/bbl was unsustainable... There are reports of shortages in parts of China.)


Full Member
Nov 12, 2005
America only pay £1 per gallon so why dont we? if they had to pay what we pay im sure they would have something to say about it.

America hasn't paid less than $2 a US gallon, for nearly 2 years (a US gallon is smaller than a UK gallon) the current price of a US gallon is $3.30 that works out at close to $3.99 per imperial gallon.
Two years ago there was $1.80 to the UK pound,
Petrol/gas in the US was $3.05 or $3.66 per imperial gallon (£2.00 per gallon)

Last year the dollar started out at $1.91 to the UK pound
Petrol/gas was $2.45 or $2.94/5 per imperial gallon (£1.55 per gallon)
It rose to $3.10 or £3.73 per imperial gallon as the US dollar devalued $2.05 to the UK pound) £1.64 per imperial gallon

US gallon 3.785411784 litres
UK gallons 4.54609 litres
UK gallon is roughly 1.2 US gallons


Feb 28, 2007
North Highlands
I live in the country, there's miles and miles of it about here :) .

The nearest filling station is 12 miles away, so I'll have to limit local running about and fill up when I go to town.

Not so handy when I want a change of scenery, although the distance involved means it probably won't make much unless there's a very big increase.


Feb 14, 2006
bromley kent uk
Its started to get me thinking fortunatly i have an oldish diesel which gives 50+ around town and now its got 20% veggi oil in it at 56p ltr from js mind i got a funny look at the check out with 12 bottles of the stuff .


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 1, 2007
"I won't have a Spydi"
I think we are all smart enough to realise that price hikes in fuel and tax are nothing to do with going green the only thing that is getting green is the inside of the polutions pockets! (sorry i meant politicians pockets :) )


Jun 12, 2005
Hertfordshire (UK)
When I lived in the countryside I didn't need to drive to get to the woods, I just walked out of the door. But fuel was my biggest single expense as I had to drive long distances for everything else and this was when fuel was almost half the price it is today. Fuel was more than the rent on my farmhouse or any other expense; maintaining my vehicles was the probably the next biggest.

I would have loved to not drive but there was no choice. Public transport didn't exist, a taxi to town was a tenner one way and I had a family to provide for. Fuel also tends to be more expensive in rural areas than in cities. I imagine that those in rural areas who are not running their vehicles on home brew or red diesel are really feeling the pinch unless they are wealthy.

Here I'm fortunate to live on a large swathe of green belt with several woods within walking, biking or short drive distance but the high price of driving will put me off going anywhere special or just going on an adventure. Money is already tight and these high prices makes thing more difficult. Fuel prices effect our lives in a huge way whether we drive or not as other prices will be pushed up too. Those of us who only have a small amount of disposable income (me) are going to find it tough.

On the bright side I've pretty much got out of being a self-employed driver. :drive:


Full Member
doesn't effect my playing in the woods - although that may change as it looks like we are loosing the tennancy.
It dose effect the heating as its kerosene. In the 8 years I've been using it Kerosene has more than doubled in cost. Coal would be as cheap now.

Wayland might be worth cosidering a proper twin tank & preheater system to run on veg oil, especially waste veg oil. I would pay for itself in 18 months or less.


Sep 18, 2006
Cornwall, UK.
Im never too far away from the countryside to have fuel effect me, so I will get out and about regardless of fuel prices, but now your mentioning it, it does worry me regards work. Im on terrible pay at the moment and I normally have to spend £100 a month on petrol just to commute to work.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 15, 2005
I think we are all smart enough to realise that price hikes in fuel and tax are nothing to do with going green the only thing that is getting green is the inside of the polutions pockets! ( i meant politicians pockets :) )

Huh? Duty hasn't gone up recently (has it?), and the govt has nothing to do with setting the price of oil. It's this funny thing called a "market"... When demand exceeds supply, the price goes up.


Feb 14, 2006
bromley kent uk
and Iam moaning with diesel at 100.9 (shell ) in london SE25 Why is it so expensive with the exchange rate at the moment ? it should be cheaper :aargh4:


Sep 24, 2003
At least Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask :bandit: when he robbed you.

This Government do it bear faced and then expect you to vote for them :cussing: :cussing:


Sep 24, 2003
I think they twigged folk were'nt going to hence no election,..... I wonder would it be possible to have a BBP (british bushcraft party) and what would the chances of getting a seat in the commons be?
Cheers Tim

Right then...I am putting Tony forward for the PPC for the BBP :BlueTeamE


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.