Bear Grylls

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Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 7, 2003
For interest, in his blog Bear comments on the press reports and gets support from other explorers, including Sir Ranulph Fiennes

But he doesntr actually "deny" the fakery.

Re: the recent press accusations of motels and stagings in the show that have been doing the rounds, all I can say is they don't always tell the full story, but that’s life and part of being in the public eye I guess.

The upshot is we’re determined to make all new shows more inclusive of the crew and their role. Discovery and Channel 4 will also include a disclaimer at the start of the show so there's no confusion.

Roughly translated... "yeah, it was all faked and I got busted ...but if only you knew the halff of it. Still, better not try it in the next series."

This is worth a look....

And while viewers are led to believe the 'bear' incident is spontaneous, the scene was scripted long in advance. The Mail on Sunday has obtained a script in which the scene is headlined 'Grizzly Attacks Camp'.


I must admit that we were all laughing. It was just so damned funny at the time. I believe they showed the bear in the pilot but that got recut later when the series was renamed to MVW and I think the definitive bear scenes were reduced to a dark shape prowling... it was still the guy in the suit though. At the time we shot it I was kinda thinking that they couldn't possibly expect an audience to believe the attack. Later that evening while we were eating our snacks in the lodge where we stayed (Salmon River Lodge) they reviewed the footage and at that point I knew they were going to try to use it....

Keep in mind that all of this is in that high fake melodrama and heavy music that makes Eddie exciting when he takes a ****. I think he was trying to emulate the Crocodile hunter delivery.
You couldn't make it up. :lol
The whole Bear thing......

Yes he is an amazing guy who has done lots of good things, charity work, up Everest, crossing frozen seas, ex SAS, breaking his back in 2 places etc etc

Yes he was doing some pretty stupid things in survival situations, doing things the hard way in my humble opinion(dives out of upstairs windows instead of using the stairs type)

The thing is.... the thing is he's quite likeable really, you'd follow him to the ends of the earth, at a safe distance, just to see what happens to him. and be ready with the camcorder to catch that YBF moment where the Great White eats him.

Never met the guy, but have heard of his exploits. I think he should have been born about a 150 years ago when eccentric english explorers were out doing what made Britain have an Empire, grabbing Mother Nature by the.... throat and shaking her 'til she did what he wanted, then being trampled underfoot by a herd of rampaging elephants. The world would be a very boring place if we didn't have these eccentrics around.

Having said that, I wouldn't like to try surviving any sort of disaster with him by my side, I'm trying to give up on trout sushi and very, very fresh frogs legs.


Jul 29, 2006
His documentary about where he joined the Foreign Legion was on tonight but I instead I watched Survivorman. Plus that bear does look like Bungle, who I posted a pic of in the other Bear Grylls thread. :lmao:


May 25, 2007
Well he should approach Bayley Knife with a view to litigation then.......or his manager should, that's what he is paid for.

He might want to read what Bear has to say about the knife on his website and blog before he tries that course of action:p Looks like the 'manager' missed that one:).


I take every Bear claim with a large pinch of salt. His father's obituary makes for an interesting read. Sir Michael Grylls It certainly seems this knack of confusing the truth maybe hereditary.


Jun 15, 2007
He might want to read what Bear has to say about the knife on his website and blog before he tries that course of action:p Looks like the 'manager' missed that one:).

So who's the 'Manager' that does'nt know what his 'client' is doing then?

I also recall a link further up that went onto a site where Bear apparently "would'nt use anything other than an XYZ knife as used by the navy SEAL's".
Apr 22, 2006
isle of wight
in the highlands episode bear grylls said this deer skins really stinks . well you did take it from mangy rotting carcass . he could have got warmer if he had turned its ball bags in to a pare of fluffy thumb mittens .or used its intestines as a hot water bottle .


Jul 8, 2007
A comment from his blog
"One of my goals is to be clearer that this is not a programme about ‘textbook’ survival. It is more like extreme survival, showing what you can do in desperate situations. I always work within my own capabilities and training, but these capabilities might be different from other people’s. I don’t want people to copy what I do, but to watch, hopefully enjoy and in so doing learn something that might one day save their life."

think hes set it straight
Jan 22, 2006
good luck to bear, its not to be taken too seriously - obviously.
far worse in my book is the chap from The Wild Gourmets, i personally find his attitude to be fairly condescending, almost pious. he sings the virtues of his lifestyle while catching himself a pike - letting us know you can actually eat them (really? - thanks!) then obviously balks at the idea while palming it off cold to a local - who isnt in the slightest bit phased and probably wonders why they didn't fillet it first - but is too polite to say anything.
The 'wild' gourmet way of just robbing food from local gardeners (grrr!) is pretty pathetic, irrelevant of the wood chopping labor offered as payment.
i'll still watch it tho - its great for a bit of a friendly shout at the telly in consternation, and at the end of the day, its only a tv show. not really worth getting your knickers in a twist over eh?
Well Mr Grylls served in 21 SAS which is a TA regiment and not the regular 22 SAS regiment,but he still had to pass selection which is no mean feat but their selection is broken up over a year which is easier than the regular selection which is a non stop six months of steep learning curveismtastic fun.:rolleyes:

He will have recieved basic military survival/E&E training as do all potential troopers but this dosen't make him a lofty wiesman who dedicated his military career to developing the military survival syllabus has has Les Hiddins for the ADF.

I have watched his programs and frankly i find his teachings to be very dangerous and wreckless and as such completly disregard them.

I have completed the combat survival instructors course,taught at the International Long Range Reconnaissance school,Weingarten,Germany but i wouldn't teach what i was taught there to civilians because it is completely irrelevant.

As a civilian you do not need to know how to make contact with friendly partisans,kill guard dogs or scale chainlink fences.Teaching survival skills to civilians as if they are soldiers is dangerous and irresponsible and unfortunatly Mr Grylls forgets this.

I can see why he ate that fish raw if he was behind enemy lines and as such on 'hard routine' but if you've crashed in an aircraft and want to be rescued, fire would be your first priority as far as signalling your location to potential rescuers and keeping other survivours active and mentally occupied gathering fuel.

Eating raw food is bad for morale.

His dangerous scaling of a waterfall is another big no no,why place yourself in unneccesary danger when your already living on a knife edge,he should promote the mindset of personnal safety but instead he promotes this extreme sport 'yo dude' attitude which has caused many a young,inexperienced adventurer to come unstuck far from rescue and civilisation.

He just comes across as a bit of a walter mitty type and his little knowledge may oneday be his undoing.

If you read this forum Bear take my advice mate and stop show boating before your luck runs out.


Jul 29, 2006
I don't think Bear is doing it to show off, it's more than liely his Director telling him to do it to try and up the ratings. Plus I don't think he's ever in any danger as he probably has loads of crew off camera to help if anything goes a little wrong.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Yes, but the person who takes him seriously is going to act the bottom anyway.

that is if they even get outside!

My cousin died on the Cairngorms doing winter mountaineering....

He was experienced and had been out in the winter before.

If he had been an amateur he would never have been out there, and like as not would still be alive today!

Matt Weir

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 22, 2006
Tyldesley, Lancashire.
Well Mr Grylls served in 21 SAS which is a TA regiment and not the regular 22 SAS regiment,but he still had to pass selection which is no mean feat but their selection is broken up over a year which is easier than the regular selection which is a non stop six months of steep learning curveismtastic fun.:rolleyes:

He will have recieved basic military survival/E&E training as do all potential troopers but this dosen't make him a lofty wiesman who dedicated his military career to developing the military survival syllabus has has Les Hiddins for the ADF.

I have watched his programs and frankly i find his teachings to be very dangerous and wreckless and as such completly disregard them.

I have completed the combat survival instructors course,taught at the International Long Range Reconnaissance school,Weingarten,Germany but i wouldn't teach what i was taught there to civilians because it is completely irrelevant.

As a civilian you do not need to know how to make contact with friendly partisans,kill guard dogs or scale chainlink fences.Teaching survival skills to civilians as if they are soldiers is dangerous and irresponsible and unfortunatly Mr Grylls forgets this.

I can see why he ate that fish raw if he was behind enemy lines and as such on 'hard routine' but if you've crashed in an aircraft and want to be rescued, fire would be your first priority as far as signalling your location to potential rescuers and keeping other survivours active and mentally occupied gathering fuel.

Eating raw food is bad for morale.

His dangerous scaling of a waterfall is another big no no,why place yourself in unneccesary danger when your already living on a knife edge,he should promote the mindset of personnal safety but instead he promotes this extreme sport 'yo dude' attitude which has caused many a young,inexperienced adventurer to come unstuck far from rescue and civilisation.

He just comes across as a bit of a walter mitty type and his little knowledge may oneday be his undoing.

If you read this forum Bear take my advice mate and stop show boating before your luck runs out.

Yo dude you have summed up the general feeling of this forum totally dude.

Seriously stot, you really have :D
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