House move and need for a ulez compliant motorbike is forcing some very reluctant sales - thanks to C_Claycomb for pointing out my full membership was long expired! 
All tools used but well cared for and hopefully priced to sell, all prices include postage and PayPal fees.
- Hans Karlsson Sloyd Axe £215 reduced to £200 Now£185 Sold
- Gransfors Bruks large carving Axe £125 Reduced to £110 Now £95 sold
- Gransfors Bruks short handle Gutter Adze SOLD
- Svante Dvarj carving knife SOLD
- Ben Orford small crook knife SOLD
- Ben Orford flatter curve crook knife SOLD
- Ben Orford Indian crook knife internal bevel (mocotaugan) SOLD
I’ve tried to take photos to reflect condition but shout if you want any other angles.
All the best, Col
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All tools used but well cared for and hopefully priced to sell, all prices include postage and PayPal fees.
- Hans Karlsson Sloyd Axe £215 reduced to £200 Now
- Gransfors Bruks large carving Axe £125 Reduced to £110 Now £95 sold
- Gransfors Bruks short handle Gutter Adze SOLD
- Svante Dvarj carving knife SOLD
- Ben Orford small crook knife SOLD
- Ben Orford flatter curve crook knife SOLD
- Ben Orford Indian crook knife internal bevel (mocotaugan) SOLD
I’ve tried to take photos to reflect condition but shout if you want any other angles.
All the best, Col

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