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Jul 19, 2023
Does anyone carry tick tweezers as a matter of routine?

One of my favourite knives used to be sold with an internal ferro rod. Now it is sold with tick tweezers as standard. You can still buy the ferro as a separate item but you can’t carry both as integrated tools. Clearly the makers see ticks as a priority.

I was bitten for the first time in my life last month and did everything wrong. I didn’t realise what it was and crushed it as I scratched it - but I wasn’t equipped to remove it. I’m perfectly OK so far but won’t be in the clear for two more months!

I don’t carry keychain stuff but might just invest in a pair.
It's worth going to the doctor after a tick bite if you're concerned about it, the only way to prevent Lyme disease is to get antibiotics early doors.

Regarding tweezers, yes! I always have a first aid kit with me when doing outdoors things (especially as I usually have my dog with me, who acts like tick velcro) and I have this in it:

I'm going to get another one to keep in the car as well.
You can also buy a thing that looks like a credit card with a V shaped notch cut out of the edge. You slide the tick into the notch and it slides right off, very convenient. Ive also used tweezers too but prefer the card thing as it seems to work more reliably first time.
In my experience if you check daily and catch them before they really get into your skin then you should be ok. Quite often I will find them in places where my clothing stops them from going further like the belt line or the collar of shirts but ive also found them in less accessible places. Just do a 100% check visual and have a good feel around also remember a mirror for the less accessible places.
You can get vaccinations for some Tick-borne infections so maybe investigate that.
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The O’Tom is what I use. Not sure where the dog stuck its head up on the common but she brought back about 8 or 9 ticks. I pulled 7, missed 2. Found one as a blood splat on the floor and this one on the sofa a fortnight later. Bloody things, she’s a smooth coat white JRT so they’re hard to miss on her yet I still did.

I have the OTom green plastic crowbar thing in my little first aide kit. I aim to be carrying that in my bag every day to work and whenever I go for a country walk. I have needed it only once, having had a tick attach to me after I disposed of deer butchering bits.
However, I got bit by a Lyme infected tick as a child, was put on antibiotics within 24 hours…I really hate the blighters and try to be prepared.

Not sure what approach to take re medication. I was bitten a month ago and crushed the thing. This is apparently the worst of responses but I didn’t know it was a tick. Probably too late for antibiotics. The head came out today.

Only a low percentage of ticks are infected.
You can also buy a thing that looks like a credit card with a V shaped notch cut out of the edge. You slide the tick into the notch and it slid
Just ordered a metal one that looks like a dog tag for my key ring.
I’ll take a look at it and then maybe make a few more.

An EDC prybar is beginning to look a little more rational :)
As above, Tom O’twister tick tool in my small first aid kit. Only had two in my life, both in Fr, belt line each time.
They both appeared to be dead though which I maybe should be concerned about!

Dogs used to get loads
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I live in Scotland and they can be very bad in some areas up here. I’ve been involved in a few missing person searches where I’ve literally been brushing them off my trousers because we were searching through deep bracken / foliage. If you can avoid these areas and wear long clothing even when it’s warm. They seem drawn to the waistband and also lower leg, although my daughter had one behind her ear - they can be pretty sneaky! I’ve had loads over the years but I can only recalled one colleague getting a ‘bullseye’ and flu like symptoms. He got a months worth of antibiotics but no further issues.
I always carry the o'tom twisters. They're really good.
I've got Bill's silver grippers on the lanyard around my neck when I'm out. As others have said, useful for splinters.

They, and all other biting insects, seem to think I'm a rare and delicious treat. So I always spray my ankles and exposed skin before I go into the woods.
My philosophy being, prevention is better than cure.
They still get me though. A bit less. My least favourite was on my eyelid!
But, i've had loads over the years. I'm still keeping everything crossed for no Lyme's.
They go down the toilet or toasted with a lighter.
Yes, I like that idea.
When I saw the one that I’ve ordered I thought I might cut a notch into the corner of one or two of my membership cards.
Yep, I have tick tweezers and and a plastic tool that looks like a miniature crow bar.

I can't decide if ticks are far more prevalent now or the subject is discussed - whichever, the possible outcome justifies the caution without doubt. It's why I never ever wear shorts in outdoor pursuits :)
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I have carried a TickKey in my first aid kit for many years. I prefer the TickKey because it requires less dexterity than tweezers. You can find them on Amazon, but here is a link to the company's website:

- Woodsorrel
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I carry the Lifeventure tick tweezers, which in addition to removing ticks can also double as splinter removers. I've had to use them on myself a couple of times, but mostly used them on the dog. I like them because they are metal, and I can grab the removed tick tightly whilst I burn it (can't do that with the plastic O'Tom)


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