What wildlife did you spot today?

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Went on my first beaver watch last night to my local river. Saw lots of signs and tracks and was just about to head home when we were rewarded with a great sighting of Mr Beaver chomping on some willow followed by a wee paddle up river with a graceful flip as he disappeared under water. I don't think he had any idea we were there. Magical.
Emptying the last Dalek shaped compost bin (huge things, nearly as tall as I am) and a foot from the bottom I'm suddenly swarmed with bumble bees.
They've nested in the bottom of the centre core of dry-ish stuff :rolleyes:

Pleased to see them, but just not there, iimmc ?

In the end I used the hoe and tidied up the edges of the volcano shaped lump in the middle, put the bin back over it and just left it in peace.
Not today, but yesterday as I was walking the dog.
A Kingfisher flying low and level down the river, then ten to twenty feet behind it and not in quite as colourful suite, a Dipper.
Then as I was thinking it couldn't get much better a Heron took to the air from the river.
Does anyone know what this bird is please? it was at a ground nest site with a beak full of food for chicks. It would not enter the nest and reveal its location and waited until I had gone. Habitat was sand dunes. x


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