Sodden wet afternoon, I'm sitting at peace with the world, wish the world was all at peace, and I have a cup of tea, a wee bit of stilton and an apple.
Happiness is often simple things, I find.
Crisp cold night last night, and a huge just on the wane moon in the sky.
Working to repair the greenhouse yesterday afternoon. A cold day, but still and calm, and a Robin kept me company singing his heart out in the Hawthorn just over the fence.
I know the adage/conundrum about wishing folks to live in interesting times, but I'd rather wish you all peace, and the joy in simple things at this end of the year
Happiness is often simple things, I find.
Crisp cold night last night, and a huge just on the wane moon in the sky.
Working to repair the greenhouse yesterday afternoon. A cold day, but still and calm, and a Robin kept me company singing his heart out in the Hawthorn just over the fence.
I know the adage/conundrum about wishing folks to live in interesting times, but I'd rather wish you all peace, and the joy in simple things at this end of the year
