Wild camping returns to Dartmoor

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That’s great for those who respect the countryside ie clear up after them. I bet because its on the news that other type will be back !
Let's hope not eh? If the weather stays crap it should keep them away for a bit!

Sent from underground
Mods - Didn’t see this post. Happy to merge.

I shall certainly clear up after idiots as far as I can and as long as it’s safe if it keeps the moors open.
I didn't see yours either, please merge whichever way you want!

Sent from underground
"Common" sense, and the common man (and woman) wins!
I'm very very happy about this as our freedoms are slowly being erroded by those who think they know better, and are realy only interested in feathering their own pockets any way they can.
I'll stop here, before my views become political.! But I did do a little dance of joy.
Unfortunately common sense isn't that common, but I remain hopeful that the general public don't balls it up for us.

Sent from underground
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There's a place I sometimes go to, have gone to for over 40 years on and off.
It's generally kept pretty tidy although there's almost always a fire hearth and coresponding fire scar. Its really not the end of the world and within a couple of hundred yards there's the scar from where lead was smelted 80 or more years ago.
Sometimes I have a bit of a clear up when I go so on balance the place is tidier for me going there.
I could draw attention to it having a few beer bottles and a disposable BBQ left there by others every once in a while or I can STFU and take their bit of mess away with me when I go.
Which option do you reckon is more likely to lessen trouble there and which is the way to get more camping bans?
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That’s great news on the appeal and we’ll dine to the legal team.
Is there nothing in Parlimentary rules about proposed Bills, specificing circumventing existing regulation?
So how does one submit a compliant about an MP* misleading parliament?

*this is a place holder for another word I’d rather use.
I believe Kerr Rawden is contacting the local opposition parties and looking at whether there was a retraction. Another complaint submission can’t hurt however.


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