Government consultation on banning large knives and machetes

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The proposals are politically motivated rather than well thought out legislation. The part of the proposal that really worries me is that police entering your property for any reason would be able to confiscate sharps that they think might be used in crime, you would then have to go to court to get them back before they were handed to an artist to be welded to some street installation in Hackney, part of the consultation was debating whether to even allow us the legal right to appeal the seizure of bladed items.
Considering that we already have sufficient legislation it would be better to properly enforce what we have rather than introduce more.
What I don't understand is the bit about 'knives with holes.'
I don't get what they are referring to.
I know what they mean by serrations, but holes?
Can someone explain and give me an example?
What I don't understand is the bit about 'knives with holes.'
I don't get what they are referring to.
I know what they mean by serrations, but holes?
Can someone explain and give me an example?

I think some of the 'zombie blades' have multiple holes.


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What I don't understand is the bit about 'knives with holes.'
I don't get what they are referring to.
I know what they mean by serrations, but holes?
Can someone explain and give me an example?
Apparently knives with multiple holes look cooler or something, so seem to be a feature of some of the more outlandish design versions. The cyclone knives (had to google that one - now I’m probably on a list somewhere) also often seem to have several holes along the inner central axis.
"Serrated blades with more than one hole". Could cause some problems.

These blades reach end of life at work then instead of throwing away they get turned into knives for a work process. A handle made of anything to hand and tape, sharpen one or both edges and even put a tip on it if that's what the maker or user needed.

Actually work very well for the use they're put into. They also use other scrap to make knives too. Resourceful indeed. These bodged knives worked better than the kitchen knives they once got bought for the jobs. However one job needs a cheap, shop bought machete. These then get used until the thin part of the blade behind the belly becomes too thin with use and sharpening they get cut down and turned into a short knife for another process.

I find it amazing how the ppl at work need a knife so see the potential in things I simply would not. I think that is one point about how pointless knife control might get. Ppl that want or need knives for illegal use could simply make one out of other stuff. You need to stop the need not the availability since availability is always going to be there.
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Ah, I see.
You live and learn, eh?
Thanks for enlightening me.
I can't recall, but does the consultation say 'serrated AND with holes' or 'serrated OR with holes'?
I suspect the latter, but even if it were the former I'd be concerned future changes could be made to any legislation on the hush hush.
I'm usually quite open-minded about these things and can see the other side, but this consultation does seem to miss the point and taking the easy, knee-jerk, response.
Unfortunately it will be the metropolitan masses who will agree with this and usher it through, so let's just hope those who work in agriculture, traditional crafts, and other legitimate users get their voices heard and someone the other end stops and thinks for a few moments.
Be positive - it could happen.
The consultation is looking at knives or machetes that have two of the three aspects of excessive length, two or more holes in the blade or a serrated edge. Any knife that fulfils two or more of those criteria would be banned under the proposed legislation.
What I don't understand is the bit about 'knives with holes.'
I don't get what they are referring to.
I know what they mean by serrations, but holes?
Can someone explain and give me an example?
Holes (plural) refers to the zombie knives, but it looks like there is a consideration for one hole. Manufacturers of larger blades (Fiskars billhook and Skrama as examples) use a hole to thread the blades onto a hanger so they‘re all packed together for heat treat and cooling. It’s something to do with preventing warping.

However, if the legislation is passed without consideration for country pursuits and usage, then hole or holes isn’t going to matter much.
Filled in. I hope this legislation does not go through in the current form. Ever nearing a nanny state. Police the issue more dilligintly and stringently with a strong punishment as a deterrent was my general tone. Infuriating that what would seem to be a city problem could impact wider society with no intent of committing any offence the legislation seeks to curtail. A case of the many being punished because of the few.
cached a couple of knives just in case.

Yup I know how you feel. But legislation is suggesting with permission police can come into a private home, see a knife that does not meet criteria, reason it can be used for serious crime then confiscate it and issue punishment. It seems off to me.

Matt Easton of Scholar Gladiatoria presents a well thought out response.

When I went through the consultation response I thought is was not entirely coherent. Or maybe deliberately presented to be contrary in how it read.

It would be best to read through the whole thing, formulate responses and then resubmit. But realistically that’s a pain in the bottom. Possibly the intent.
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I’m watching this with interest in California. We have a patchwork
of knife laws one can live with. Our
Firearm issue? There are more privately held per capita than any other country. Mass shootings are a daily occurrence, often multiple.
I was a avid firearms owner; owned or shot anything you can name. They were tools of my avocation.
Then Sandyhook, the responsibility and logistics and simple lack of NEED led to a total dispersal. I have blades from Japanese kitchen knives to a Skrama 240, bushcraft, folders and a Fairbarn Sykes. I use them all.
I get the wide eyed ‘ why do men have to have knifes questions’
Usually, as I produce my GAK to open a pallet of bottled water as
She breaks nails or jabs that bulletproof plastic wrap with a key!
DO NOT sit on your hands on this!
Someone will report you as acting suspicious with something up your fundament- said act reserved for politicians
My family and friends always joke about why I always have a small back pack with me. Then they need something…..
Finally got round to filling out the survey. Not only did I find it very one sided but quite badly done (no way to skip all the commercial questions at once for example).

Also now realised the proposals would ban a pruning saw as mine have a smooth blade to cut the bark as well as teeth, and all my bow saw blades would be banned as they have more than one hole in them.
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.