Filled, I find that burn time is about 10/12 mins. OK for a brew but damned annoying if cooking anything decent. Topping up the empty (and very hot) stove reservoir with meths..........Hey guys! I've recently gotten into all things bushcraft as well as camping. I've been going camping recently and been using a good old Campingaz bistro stove which actually works very well but like many newbies to this world, I've since been pining for one of those cool, little Trangia stoves. I think it could be handy to use as well as the Campingaz, when cooking a couple of things at once, or when I'd like to save some space.
I was wondering whether some of you experienced bushcrafters could give me some advice on actually using the Trangia stove, and any thoughts you might have on using them with a mess kit- and possibly any good mess kits for sale in the UK you have experience with. Of course I'd like to hear any other methods of using this stove but the idea of having a little mess kit with a windshield included is very appealing to me.
Any help would be much appreciated,
Secret (for continuity): have two stoves and use the pliers on your waist kit to pull the hot empty one out whatever you use as a support stove.