Level 3 Forest First Aid add on course.

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Full Member
Jul 16, 2006
I am extending this invite to BCUK members.

Bushcraft Meet in Pembrokeshire Fri 20th to Sun 22nd May

To include this activity on the Saturday 21st May

Would any of you be interested in doing a 2hr Level 3 Forest First Aid add on course.

It concentrates on
Catastrophic Bleeds
Haemostatic Dressings - Celox
Tourniquet Use
Crush Injuries
Extreme Cold
Lymes Disease
Lightening Strikes
Snake Bites

Cost is £150 for 12 people (£12.50 each)
Or £25 for individuals.

(Nb: If you've already done this course or equivalent, there is no need to reply... No point clogging up the post with irrelevant information.)

Just want to say I did my forestry emergency trauma first aid a couple of years ago (for forestry workers in remote places). It's a must have for anyone working or playing in remote areas, so much more indepth than the standard first aid at work. Gregs course looks like it covers a similar curriculum. Well worth it imo.
Does this give the first aid +F ticket Greg?
Initially it was offered but then the provider changed their minds.. Because I wanted it to be run separate to another FA qual course they will only offer their own in-house qual cert... Despite it being exactly the same course.
Does this give the first aid +F ticket Greg?
This the reply I received from the course provider...

Was contacted today by the provider.. They've changed the goal posts reference the course being a regulated qualification.

"Hi Greg

Apologies for the delay.

Having spoken to a number of awarding bodies that we use , they don't offer +F as a completely stand alone module , merely as a bolt on during an EFAW or FAW so we aren't in a position to offer you a regulated certificate , However we can offer you exactly the same +F course content but with an in-house certificate which actually works out a little cheaper for you too. The first aid industry is deregulated so as long as you comply with your governing bodies requirements in relation to first aid it makes no difference as to whether its regulated or not ( regulation comes from ofqual rather than HSE or anywhere else)

I have had my own cascade issued certificates accepted previously by the forestry people so wont be an issue ."


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