And here somebody tried to roll the coat.
I think he is wrong, in my opinion outside stays outside. But I'm not sure.
I forgot to ask in time and now it's pretty complicated to find somebody who knows it.
In my opinion you put the outside on the grass and roll the coat more or less like he shows it here.
Of course it depends on the coat you use.
My civil coat I can easily roll outside stays outside.
In the old days the armies slept in the coat and rolled the small blanket around the legs, but diagonal!
You sit diagonal in the middle on the blanket.
You put a small corner over your feet, perhaps 40 cm. The corner is now pointing to your nose.
Than you wrap the second corner around your legs, than the third corner.
You created like this a sleeping bag over your trousers well closed around your socks. The closed coat goes over that and holds the wrapped blanket together, it looks nearly like a lady in skirt and coat, just closed in the end instead of shoes, and horizontal instead of vertical.
If you turn round every 90 minutes to sleep on the other side, it works pretty well.
The armies usually got some straw, the hikers some twigs under them in cold conditions.