Belt with pouches

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I've got an Alpenlore belt, onto which I can slide or hang things I need as required. Usually, it's just the combination of knife, saw, FAK and waterbottle (in a pouch with the Crusader cup). However, in general, I find that I prefer having a small day sack, rather than having lots of bits and bobs hanging from my waist; at least you can take it off easily when stopping for a brew or a break.
I use a "Sporran Pouch" plus one or two small pouches (camera, fire kit etc) on a wide belt - but all of my own manufacture....
045 (2015_01_01 06_41_25 UTC).JPG
ignore the archery kit....
The big pouch on the front, that is where you put the beer?
I do!

Personally I prefer a type of bumbag ( I think it is called) as I find the movement of a belt fixed pouch irritating.

Plus I have large side leg pockets on the trousers. Toilet paper on right, first aid kit on left.
Seems I last commented on this thread in 2015. My leatherworking has come on a bit since then, though not up to Lucky Lee, or Hamishes standard, however amongst other things (Viking helmet notwithstanding) I have made a couple of sporrans and sundry pouches from scratch. I made a pouch to hold my mobile phone, earphones, and powerpack which is now urban EDC for me.
I use an inexpensive pretty standard stiff utility belt with (atmo) a pentagon speedmin pouch, my leatherman pouch and a couple of loops for keys on coils/reels. I think get a belt and add your own pouches to suit.
I like my rigger belt made from a parachute riser and harness fittings. Not so pretty but rugged. Being 44mm width, it'll take a Mora Knife scabbard directly plus any military pouches.

I carry a rucksack every time I leave the house (cycling for shopping, taking my Mum out to medical appointments, etc, etc.) so carrying a pouch or two with NO rucksack feels like freedom!

The beautiful leatherwork seen on the first page are astoundingly high quality! But, if I owned kit like that, I'd be too wary to wear it when out, lest it gets mucked up or scratched up...
Decathlon Solognac offers a cheap one too.

I bought it half a year ago, but didn't use it jet.

But I use the normal x-access belt (Not cotton!!! Fast drying!!!) and the separate pouches.

In the loops of the organizer S fit very well:

Petzl e-lite and Silva Ranger SL

Esbit folding titanium spoon and fork

Bic mini lighter

This pouch is my "little stuff pouch No1"

But usually it lives in the ruck sack.
Some vests for other activities work well across.
Flyfishing vests have all sorts of pockets. Never buy Columbia = weak seams everywhere.
Off-road, I normally wear a Stoneblaze forestry timber-cruiser's vest. Canvas, multiple pockets and a rear pack shell.
My partner prefers a Browing trap-shooter's vest for the bigger simple pockets.

Because of the bugs and our usually sudden weather changes, I don't want a pouch belt under my coat.
I find too much weight attached a belt and it gets uncomfortable quick. Especially in hot weather. Nice too look at but not sure how practical.

I think I'd find that, too. I usually wear a 2" leather belt, with a Leatherman SuperTool 200 horizontally in its original synthetic fabric. Sometimes, I'll use a couple of grimlocs to attach a Mexpedition TacTile pouch containing a camera and spare battery. Anything more than than, and the weight would have me thinking my trousers were falling down.
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I have problems with belt pouches as when I go to the loo everything just slips off the belt and ends up on the floor! (Oh the trials and tribulations of being a woman!) I have a separate belt that goes over my bush shirt that stays done up and can be just lifted out of the way when necessity calls. Anyone else have a problem with knife and pouch hitting the deck at a rate of knots when relief is nessasary? Is there a better solution out there? Or is it just me?
Well thats what I need to think about. Maybe not quite so elaborate for me. I don't need to look like a Mexican bandito. There is always the simple option of a shoulder bag or small backpac. Both I use. And I did ask if there were any other options to hanging stuff off a trouser belt.


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