Just tried charcoal in my folding firebox

Hammock Hamster

Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Morning all,

Just been out for a morning wander in the local woods and decided to try out charcoal in my firebox (though it should work with any similar type of stick burner - bushbox, honeystove etc...).

I wanted to find a fuel that was easy to light and relatively smokeless for when I need to be a bit “stealthier”.
I managed to catch, skin and gut a £1 disposable bbq which yielded 3 ziplock sandwich bags of charcoal and the waxy lighting paper stuff.

One bag roughly fills the firebox 1/3 and once lit have me about 30 minutes burn time which was ample to boil water for a coffee and grill some kabanos- in fact I could probably even scale it down for those short trips where I’m just making a coffee or warming up some soup.

Anyway here’s the pics from a lovely spring morning and breakfast in the woods!






And one of the general conditions today!!!


Cheers, Hamster

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Hammock Hamster

Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Nice, have thought about doing the same thing, I'll give it a go, not in as posh a contraption as yours though ;) mine will be in my folding food steamer

Nowt wrong with that steamer, I blagged the firebox as a preset from SWMBO and to be honest I don’t think I would part with it for love nor money!
It’s pretty pricey but does offer a lot of options for cooking, boiling etc and I am still really just experimenting.

Interestingly your steamer is almost a double for the more expensive grilliput fire bowl that I was looking at a few years ago, at £15’ish it’s amazing how much you can up the price for something “specialist”!

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Hammock Hamster

Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Nice, I've always fancied a collapsible system. I made a 'quick fix' last week, I'd run out of gas and had planned to take the lad out for walk in the woods.
I found an old tin in the shed that had a few screws in, so drilled a few holes out. It was enough to cook some beans and sausages and boil some water for tea.




Like it and a heck of a lot cheaper that mine (though it was swmbo's money not mine).

I used to use a semi collapsible wood gas stove that was a similar size but the fully collapsing one is so much easier to pack and carry.

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