Overseas Norway Finse better known as planet Hoth ...

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 16, 2008
West Midland
Its been a changeable year for me in a lot of ways but things are now becoming the new normal ,,ff ..
This trip has been knocking around for me for some years , Finse above the tree line on Norway's Hardanger plateau ,,
The place were the classic arctic explorers trained ,,,
Now like a lot of people on here I love a bit of planning and this one was a cracker so many small details had to be sorted ,,loved it ..lol ..

The aim ( all expeditions need a aim ) was to experience the area and live for three days on the plateau ,,
practicing and relearning cold weather skills ,

So a flight to Oslo with Norwegian was booked with baggage and a pulk all up weight with clothing was 55 kilo .
then the Oslo express into Oslo , all kit was locked in the baggage lockers at the train station and off hunting for rod spirit a lamp oil for my MSR ZGK stove ..

Then onto the 2315 train for Finse arriving at 0415 ...

Into the station to sort my kit out and test run the stove ..

Then hit the hills..
the pictures below tell the rest .

no longer having photo bucket stops me doing much more ,,,

28070450_877965619051873_8889577840290500027_o.jpg 28070450_877965619051873_8889577840290500027_o.jpg 28378040_879214315593670_2023349931613867180_n.jpg 28056594_879221548926280_8140949532120167186_n.jpg 28056845_879220022259766_7009018980044582333_n.jpg 28167805_879221428926292_5569582087167897813_n.jpg 28276433_879993332182435_5295372344764902711_n.jpg 28378655_879985185516583_6757352925863580528_n.jpg 28070450_877965619051873_8889577840290500027_o.jpg 28378040_879214315593670_2023349931613867180_n.jpg 28056594_879221548926280_8140949532120167186_n.jpg 28056845_879220022259766_7009018980044582333_n.jpg 28167805_879221428926292_5569582087167897813_n.jpg 28276433_879993332182435_5295372344764902711_n.jpg 28378655_879985185516583_6757352925863580528_n.jpg
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Reactions: GordonM
Looks lovely, I'm sold - well done for getting out there!

I've wanted to go to that place for a while, but never got my act together. It's a great place to play with a kite and some skis.
What a fantastic trip! Thanks for sharing and stand by (please) to have your brain picked as I want to do something similar.
Looks lovely up there ...
Peace and solitude.
Nice and ballsy to go solo , bet you prefer it that way too...
Would you have done anything differently or any lessons learned this time around ?
Thanks for sharing
Highs and lows non really it all went to plan ..so happy there .
Changes again apart from fuel maybe a bigger tent but i lived fine in the one i used.
It was below minus 20 on the last morning .
I kept warm with a good layer system and making sure to not sweat and keep my hands dry at all costs ,
Loads of foot powder during sock changes .
Plus a nalgene filled with boiling water in the sleeping bag plus eat a meal with a hot drink before sleeping .


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.