Planning Norway to Calais June 2018 - cycle+wild camp

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mark oriel

Bushcraft company
Hi Guys, don't know if this is the right place to post this, apologies if I'm wrong. I am looking to do a two week cycle wild camping /bushcraft trip from Norway to Calais next June. Very rough itinerary is to box up the bikes and fly to Oslo then cycle through Copenhagen ,Denmark, Hamberg onto Calais, then ferry back to UK. Depending on route choice approximately 1200 miles in two weeks, about 70 miles a day. anyone really up for it I would be delighted to go into detail as the trip belongs to all that want to go. Cost is Flight and ferries and train from Dover to your home. Wild camping so minimum cost there and food.

Look forward to bike buddies galore.
I assume you will cycle through the Swedish West coast too ( you omit this in your route plan) ?

Do not forget to see the ancient carvings on the rocks, and please make yourself familiar with the Rights and Obligations in the Norwegian and Swedish Right to Roam laws!
Much appreciated, we are only in the very early stages of route planning yet, the more info we have with regards to sights worth seeing and options not open to cyclists the better. There could be 3 of us at the moment so time available and distance is also a challenge, as we are aiming for 70 mile a day. Has anyone from BCUK used the train option from London to Hamburg and onto Oslo? so cheers again
You have opened two threads, maybe they could be merged?

Train UK to Norway? Yes, possible. Takes what, close to two days?

Eurostar to Brussels, ICE to Köln, Then Hamburg, Copenhagen, Malmo, Oslo... You can take bikes on the Eurostar but you have to pay to do so. You can take them on the ICE if they are boxed up. Getting a bike on long distance trains through Germany is a right faff.

As for the ride from Norway back to Calais, I'm planning to do parts of this, but in reverse.

If you are fancy coming through the Netherlands, there are free, legal wild camping locations. They are called Post Campsites, or Paalkamperen in Dutch. You can camp within 10m of the post, for upto 3 nights, for a maximum of 3 tents. I've used a few of them and they have the hall marks of a well used public camping site (I had lots of Mice pestering me at the Austerlitz site). But given it's the only legal wild camping in the Netherlands, beggers cannae be choosers...

If you do choose to come through the Netherlands, let me know I can provide useful advice on routing.

There is an Austerlitz in Holland?

The Austerlitz where Napoleon whacked the Russkies and Austrians in in Moravia ( Czech Rep.)

I can be of assistance Oslo to Copenhagen, but Mark Oriel has been quiet on this thread...
There is an Austerlitz in Holland?

The Austerlitz where Napoleon whacked the Russkies and Austrians in in Moravia ( Czech Rep.)

I can be of assistance Oslo to Copenhagen, but Mark Oriel has been quiet on this thread...

Somewhere to the east of Utrecht, just to the South of Hilversum and to the West of Amersfoort, of if you prefer: Here


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.