Do I need button compass.

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Full Member
Sep 6, 2011
Hi guys.
I'm really trying to resist buying one of those quality button compasses, but my "survival tin instinct" want one. For the purposely entered outdoors I have a proper Suunto MC-2G global needle compass, and if I ever get shot down over the jungle my solar powered Casio have built in compass.

But one of those overly expensive ones would be really nifty on my keyring, and give me something to do with my hands:

I realise they are only good to maintain direction especially without a map. What do you think about them? It's been a while since someone said anything about this vital element of your PSK.
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I don't know i either of them are good the insides look like the chinese penny compasses that are a bit carp. Suunto do ones that are reliable and I have a few stashed around my kit. If you want to talk about expensive compasses look at the Tru-Nord and real SAS escape compasses. Not much change out of £40
I picked up one of these recently. It's accurate although takes a little time to settle as there's no dampening fluid.
Very good for my local bit of woodland where a map would be overkill but it's weirdly easy to get turned around.
I have one on my day pack. It lives behind one of the velcro morale patches.

Not really a U.K. worry but it's the pack I use for the Canadian bush, so never say never.

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I have a Tru-Nord one that I bought a good few years ago. It is never out of my pocket - a thing that amuses my children enormously but I don't keep it on my key ring. It is only a back-up to my usual, full-sized Suunto one but it is reassuring to know that it's there, doing what it does and pretty accurately, too. Listen to your 'survival tin instinct': you'll feel better about it and won't be disappointed about the investment you make, be it a cheaper or more expensive one.
Silver Ranger SL. Bigger, but quality compass at 20 odd quid.
As said above I aldready have a full size Suunto for proper navigation. Just debating a button compass as they make them sooo adorable :)

is the best cheap escape compass I've found, brass, cas a lanyard loop and is tiny, same model countycomm sell

Thank you for this link, great price.
As said above I aldready have a full size Suunto for proper navigation. Just debating a button compass as they make them sooo adorable :)

The SL is something like 40mm x 60mm , so not button but not full size either.
I like the looks of the Heinnie one but the review destroys it. I am willing to bet the attachment ring is only brass plated and deflects the needle. Personally I would like to know where to get a decent usable button compass to put in a hiking staff, something that is more than just a gimmick.
Correct... but since when has that stopped us getting shiny kit? :rolleyes: :lmao::lmao:


Our OP would be better with a zip-pull compass for his pack. Or, if he feels he must carry a compass on himself in case aliens attack and steal his pack, far better would be the likes of a Suunto M9 wrist compass.

Button compasses are really only the domain of SERE, where space/weight etc are at an absolute minimum.
You're a big boy and you don't need our permission if you want one!!
I would stay away from those two you were looking at. Suunto or Silva are the only makes I look at.
They both do button compasses.


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