Care of local population
Care of local crafts
Care of enviroment
work safety
workers well being and rights
if that does not say anything, maybe on a more personal level it does?
If you were unemployed wouldnt you be interested to work for a local Buschraft / outdoor company? Don't you shake your head at the mass of people who go to a office make reports and have gatherings and nobody does anything actually? Cannot do anything as of a craft?
Sorry for directness. But that how think and feel about it.
take care!
I work for a UK company that produces IP. One of our primary markets is the cores uses in iPhones and tablets.If you don't think they're making subsidised iPhones, cameras etc to steal the intellectual property and destroy the western manufacturering you're way off, and they'll even enslave their our people and destroy their own country's ecosystem to do it.
Please strike off the list anything with a YKK Zipper. Obviously Japanese products should be singled out for their inferior quality.
Also, any manufacturer that purchases steel from India etc.
Honestly, while this list may have good intentions, I find it deeply flawed thinking that certain countries have an assumed higher quality than others and borderline racist that those outside Europe or North America are either incapable or unwilling of producing high quality items.
Equipment for trekking in the Nature ( I refrain from using the word Bushcraft) MUST last and work. MUST be of high quality.
Imagine if the tent stitching breaks when you are in a snowstorm or a nice genle rain storm. Or the fancy cooking system starts leaking. Or the soles of your boots delaminate while you are 30 miles from nearest town.
Chances are you die, simple as that.
It is not about the Chinese per se, but the factory conditions, rapid turnover of products, poor quality control, corners cut etc. You know just like British Leyland in the 70s.I'm not quite sure of the point you are making but if you are suggesting that the Chinese have a congenital inability to reliably stitch clothing or shelters together or make decent footwear, it is puzzling how some of the many ethnic groups who inhabit the PRC have been living for millennia as nomadic herdsmen on the Tibetan plateau (in its geographical rather than political sense), in conditions at least as harsh as a Scandanavian winter.
I believe it can also get a bit chilly in Manchuria and suspect that they don't just wear badly made pyjamas, coolie hats and flip flops during the winter there!
For more useful information about Chinese people and definitely not being a rascist, over to Father Ted!
It is not about the Chinese per se, but the factory conditions, rapid turnover of products, poor quality control, corners cut etc. You know just like British Leyland in the 70s.
Wow some serious hate here!
Lot's of people here just dont want to come out of their comfort zone.
Read my previous comment, that it is about giving local employment and building up craft skill again.
But for me, I am out of this Forum.
If one stands up here for conservation, work ethics and other views then one is smacked by some particular individuals.
I am out in the Woods, I tried....
It seems that that British car workers perform much better when managed by people from Asia - Land Rover was a basket case under UK public and private control, followed by German and US ownership and it wasn't until Mr Tata bought it that it became a world beater again - albeit sadly not now making vehicles that I would have any interest in owning. Japanese owned car plants elsewhere in the UK also dispel the myth that Brits can't build cars.
Even Volvo is now prospering under Chinese ownership after Ford made a mess of it.
The current wave of cheap Chinese imports is just a continuation of the process started 250 years ago with the industrial revolution when mass produced factory goods made in appalling conditions swamped the domestic and overseas markets with goods that while not as good as hand crafted wares were cheap and good enough.
What is different is that much of the stuff that is being imported is made to a specification and price point and subject to quality controls mandated by clients in the UK. If they go too cheap or skimp on the QC then they only have themselves to blame.
I have some sympathy in the OPs (albeit rather hamfisted) idea of creating a database of genuine artisan manufacturers but once you move away from real hand crafts made in a small business by people with a direct stake in that business it all becomes a bit complicated. Am I seriously expected to boycott a UK business which employs people in the UK and buy stuff from a US or Romanian competitor because a percentage of the UK company's goods are made (possibly to meet a need for increased production which cannot be supported in the UK) in a country not on an arbitrary list?
Judging millennia of Chinese, Indian and other Asian crafts, culture and products (and some of the fascinating nomadic and other peoples who live there) on the basis of some of the low grade stuff they produce makes about as much sense as judging the UK on basis of the Austin Allegro (I have in laws responsible for that and other BL dross) or dismissing the Sami culture because you don't like ABBA!![]()
Please strike off the list anything with a YKK Zipper. Obviously Japanese products should be singled out for their inferior quality.
Also, any manufacturer that purchases steel from India etc.
Honestly, while this list may have good intentions, I find it deeply flawed thinking that certain countries have an assumed higher quality than others and borderline racist that those outside Europe or North America are either incapable or unwilling of producing high quality items.
Wow some serious hate here!
Lot's of people here just dont want to come out of their comfort zone.
Read my previous comment, that it is about giving local employment and building up craft skill again.
But for me, I am out of this Forum.
If one stands up here for conservation, work ethics and other views then one is smacked by some particular individuals.
I am out in the Woods, I tried....
Who is talking about cars?
That Whole industry is a total different discussion....and industry
I meant crafts involving bushcraft gear.