Country innovations kestrel ventile smock

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Aug 20, 2014
Hi guys,

I recently got hold of one of these from someone as an unwanted gift (?!). I have
Been testing it out as I have never tried ventile before. I have given it a wash with nixwax cotton proofer and so far I very impressed.

I am of the understanding they are about £260 which on the face of it seems extreme for a pullover smock with 2 pockets. One main "tube" pocket zipped at each end on the belly and a map pocket (kangaroo style). Both have storm baffles and zips.

The hood has no wire frame and is generously sized. The zip to open it from the front is gusseted which stops the wind getting in whilst giving more breathing room.

The whole thing is single skinned however, it is lined with a typical "jacket liner" if you will, this is polyester. I wore it today with a light fleece in rather
Driving rain (jeans were soaked to the bone!)

I wasn't expecting rain but once I got home with the dogs I had a feel inside the smock, bone dry. Not what I was expecting considering it looked sodden!

As was expected it stiffened up but not to badly, it will replace my cheap smock and
Hopefuly last years to come.

I was going to buy a braemar wind shirt, but not now. Top marks from country innovation.

1 question, can I dye it again once it fades? I'm told they fade fast.
yes you can dye it. ive done a couple of smocks....ive just stripped the dye from one aswell.

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youll like mine then John ....



it looks waxy but thats just the camera.

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i really wouldn't bother with the cotton proofing. Ventile is naturally designed to be waterproof, the fibres expand when wet and any coating can inhibit this function. but i'm sure Mr Fenna, Ventile guru, will correct me, Lol.
But a lovely smock, have the jacket version and love it.
It also has a lovely "quallity" ? Feel to it. It's nice not rustling like my gortex jacket. Ah I see, so no proofing in future? Figured that's what cotton proofer would be good for. Typical.
I give mine the occasional go with cotton proof - the Grangers version recommended by Ventile by Ventile :)
It helps just bead water on the surface in light rain - but in heavy downpours the cotton proof is overwhelmed and the physical properties of Ventile really come into play :)
youll like mine then John ....



it looks waxy but thats just the camera.

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Hmmm - yes!
Double Ventile Antarctic ... I only have the Single...but 2 of them :) One old battered and with the odd tear - one brand new and ready to take the old ones place !
It looks better in patchy green than it did in red :)


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